What it’s really like starting at Xero during COVID-19

Joining a new team remotely? Here’s how our Xeros handled it, and their tips for a smooth transition.

Humans of Xero
6 min readFeb 18, 2021


It’s been a tough year for many people — both personally and professionally. So it might seem overwhelming to start looking for a new job, or join a new team remotely. Yes, you might have to wrangle some new technology and tidy up your video background. But you might also be surprised how easy the onboarding process can be. We asked a few of our Xeros to share their experiences starting at Xero during COVID-19, along with tips for anyone looking to do the same.

Photo Credit: Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash

Job searching

“I was initially attracted to Xero a while ago because of the people. I had worked with one of the team directors at another company — once he came to Xero I started looking into joining the team. I even had lunch with my old colleague and met the GM of Product Development in Toronto. But while I felt really aligned with him and Xero as a whole, the timing wasn’t right.

Then COVID-19 turned everything upside down. While I was open to a new role, it still didn’t seem realistic with everything happening. But I stayed in touch with the team and I’m glad I did. After a few virtual interviews (including a video presentation) I was able to start at Xero. It was a really seamless transition and the team was really accommodating, thanks to technology.”

Seth Wilson, Senior Data Engineer, Toronto


“I have experience running meetings on video, so I wasn’t nervous about interviewing in that format. But it was different to a typical interview, without things like an office tour, where you meet different departments and see where the magic happens. You can use that to your advantage — I personally took the opportunity to screen share and deliver a short presentation which isn’t as easy in person. I would recommend making sure you have a great wifi connection and dress and prepare just as you would for a face-to-face interview.”

Usman Javed, Senior Account Manager, UK

“My interview at Xero was a really positive experience, despite the fact it was remote. It initially consisted of two telephone interviews, which was great as it felt less formal and immediately put me at ease (without the worry of technology). It was great to have a chat about the role and my experience with a talent specialist, and I was really impressed with how he answered my questions. I had the next phone interview with one of the partner team managers, Cara. I felt like we really ‘clicked’ and I became very excited about the opportunity to join the Xero team.

The final stage was a video interview with Cara, the talent specialist and the head of partner sales. I was fully briefed on the interview format and how the video call would work (including exact instructions — they even offered to run a test call with me if I wanted), so I felt relaxed and was looking forward to it. Even though it was a video call, we were able to build rapport and I received really thorough feedback from the interviewers. I was over the moon when they offered me the role!

My tips for anyone interviewing at a new company remotely would be to obtain as much information you can about the interview process and the role so you feel comfortable about what to expect. Make sure you fully understand the technology (and test if necessary) for the online interview so you aren’t nervous about using it or anything going wrong.

Also, make sure you won’t be interrupted on the video call and there’s nothing in your background to distract the employer. Most importantly, relax and try to almost imagine that you are face-to-face, and be yourself as much as possible.”

Nicola Watkins, Senior Account Manager, UK


“I joined Xero on the very first day of lockdown. I was actually surprised how easy it was to start a new job remotely. The team helped me set up my laptop and I jumped right in without any problems. I had a million questions of course, but everyone was really kind and happy to help.”

Amani Ibrahim, Senior Software Developer, Toronto

“Before I started at Xero, I had been working remotely for a number of years so for me, onboarding remotely was a pretty familiar experience! I joined a week after the UK had gone into lockdown so I was one of the first people to be onboarded in this ‘new’ way at Xero — but despite that, the process was seamless. It was definitely helped by the way Xero is set up as an organisation — everything was already in the cloud so it was smooth sailing to get access to the tech and systems that I needed.

The biggest challenge, as with any remote working environment, is getting to know your teams and figure out who’s who when you aren’t physically in the office. My advice for anyone in a similar situation: create opportunities for ‘face time’ as much as possible in the first few weeks. Set up video introductions with different teams, request to ‘sit in’ on a bunch of different meetings so you can start absorbing information, and utilise the communication tools you have available to try and foster those more informal conversations — Slack is the key one for us here at Xero.

This can seem a bit daunting if you’re a new starter, but it was helped immensely by the support from my Xero team. I never felt alone, despite the fact that I was working solo at my kitchen table every day. I’ve now been at Xero for 9 months and have been working remotely that whole time, but it feels like I am firmly a part of the Xero family.”

Jes Lee, Social Media Manager in UK

Working with the team

“I’ve been really encouraged by the solidarity that our design team has had in response to COVID-19. Everyone is in different parts of the world and dealing with different restrictions, but we’ve worked out ways that we can all come together despite those differences. Things like playing games or just hanging out virtually make people feel that there’s a bond growing in another part of the world, and that connection inspires hope that we truly are in this together. .”

Audrey Tan, Product Design Director, New York

“At first, it was a bit strange to get to know my team remotely, but having regular meetings and one-on-ones with my manager made me feel really comfortable and included. They made sure I had everything I needed to do my job and arranged fun icebreaker-type calls so I could get to know everyone. I also had a Xero buddy, which has been invaluable. She’s helped me run sessions virtually and meet partners, but we also both have children at home and her support has made me feel like I’m not alone.”

Hannah Bowater, Partner Consultant, UK

After the first 90 days

“Since starting my new role, I’ve felt incredibly welcomed and supported. My manager planned the first several weeks in advance, so we were able to work through that together. I was never left wondering what I should be doing or who I should reach out to if I had questions. The first 30 days focused on orienting myself, understanding our strategy and developing relationships, so I had a clear idea of what my role would look like.

It was the little things that really made the difference and confirmed that Xero was where I belonged. If it was my first time in a meeting, everyone would introduce themselves and explain what their role was. If I had an opinion or idea, it was encouraged and supported. And the company values are part of our team’s conversations — we really value and respect one another and I was instantly included in that.”

Christie Russell, Product Owner, Melbourne

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