Bertrand Beghin, Founder, Numbers 4 good, On Purpose placement host

On Purpose
Humans On Purpose
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2015

I think at heart I’m a deal-maker, I love doing and setting up deals. But I’m really excited to do deals that are actually benefiting society. I’d rather do a £500,000 deal for a homeless charity which is going to be able to do some really great work with vulnerable people rather than do a £500 million deal for something that’s unsustainable and has no meaning.

At the moment our system is set up in such a way that the people who make the most amount of money are people who are taking the most advantage of society and the environment. It’s very bizarre, I don’t get that. The finance piece is so much more integral to the rest of society than we think it is. If you work in finance in the City, you just see deals and you just see people managing money.
But actually money flows through all the edges of society and if you do it in such a way, it has an impact, and you have a (positive or negative) impact, regardless of whether you think you’re just sitting in an office.

Bertrand Beghin, Founder, Numbers 4 good

On Purpose placement host



On Purpose
Humans On Purpose

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future