Fritha Vincent, founder and CEO, Secret Pillow

On Purpose
Humans On Purpose
Published in
1 min readFeb 8, 2016

Why wait all your life to make the important things that make you feel so alive?

The Secret Pillow helped me to talk about inequality, about how others don’t have enough, talk about poverty, without fighting anyone.

It empowered me, just like it empowered the women. I’ve always been concerned about inequality, in the way you describe things. I used to get very angry in the past, about that. I had an amazing coach, I told her I didn’t want to be an angry person anymore. I wanted to become softer and be more humble, and trust more. By acting, and bringing people with me. The fact that people are looking at business differently, that could be so powerful going forward. I don’t think ethical choices should be a niche thing, it should be across the board.”

Fritha Vincent, founder and CEO, Secret Pillow

A Secret Pillow is a pillow that unfolds into a blanket as well as being a powerful vehicle for social change. See Fritha on BBC World



On Purpose
Humans On Purpose

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future