Hayley Louise, Operations Manager at Clarity EFBP

On Purpose
Humans On Purpose
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2015
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I would like to think that if one day you needed something, that stranger would help you. That is the code I have lived my life by.

It all starts from caring and listening to people. Hearing what they have to say. There is a lot of stigma attached, lots of stereotyping and it is just ignorance, people not knowing what disability is. I never saw people as disabled, I never looked at what people couldn’t do, just what they could do and planned their position on the line.

I love what I do. Sounds cheesy but I am into my 34th year and I love Clarity and the people at Clarity. I became part of one big family and part of their lives inside and outside of the working hours. I have spent more time here than I’ve spent with my children and husband and they have always been used to this. They have seen what I have given to people less fortunate. I would like to think that if one day you needed something, that stranger would help you. That is the code I have lived my life by. I would like to think there is someone out there looking out for me too.

Day to day, I will spend at least an hour on the shop floor, that is where I am connecting with everybody, so if people do have a problem they can always get my attention and we can have a chat, and we sort things out. I was their friend before I became their manager and I think I have kept that balance. It makes me smile when everyone is working and happy and looking forward to coming back tomorrow.

Hayley Louise, Operations Manager at Clarity EFBP / The Soap Co



On Purpose
Humans On Purpose

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future