Jan van Adrichem, former priest, retired pastor, the Netherlands

On Purpose
Humans On Purpose
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2015

Initially, religion was the strongest incentive. Now, more and more, it is really the people themselves that appeal to me. It’s also in my nature to help. Do you know enneagram? With enneagram there’s 9 character types, and I’m the 2, that’s the helper. The one who wants to help in any way. Even when nobody asks (or wants to), I shall help you!

What I sometimes experience is that I’m an angel on people’s paths. What I don’t understand at all. But years later I hear: ‘back then, you said this and that to me, and that meant so incredibly much for me’. Oh, I have no idea. But apparently I was needed at that moment for somebody, without being aware of it myself, and could offer something to that person just what they needed.

Jan van Adrichem, former priest, retired pastor, the Netherlands



On Purpose
Humans On Purpose

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future