Photo credit: some dude in New zealand, I think

Newsflash: Pictures of Owls Now Overtaking Pictures of Bacon on Facebook

It’s true—I’ve crunched the numbers

Angry Shark
Rewired & Ruined
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2013


I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but I’m seeing way more pictures of owls than bacon on Facebook lately.

This trend has been ongoing for the last 72+ hours (in Facebook time that’s five months), and, no, it’s not just “all in my head.”

Now, I know that owls are trending in general in all the most important areas of life (wrapping paper, fashion accessories for middle-aged ladies), but I’m at a lost for a viable sociological explanation for the owl pictures overtaking bacon pictures on Facebook. It’s a mystery, like, Who built the the Sears Tower? or, Will we ever know whether there are deviations from the predictions of general relativity at extremely small or large scales that flow from a quantum gravity theory?

Before you accuse me of making assumptions before all the research is in, let me present a few scientific facts that support my theory:

  1. I’m not talking about a circle of friends who all know each other and can therefore shape and influence each other into a preoccupation with pictures of owls; I’m talking about friends who all know me, but are independent of each other.
  2. I’m not talking about one or two owl photos that keep getting shared over and over; I’m talking about unique pictures of owls posted by unique Facebook users.
  3. I just checked my FB newsfeed for today, and the ratio of bacon-to-owl pictures is currently 17:2. That’s SEVENTEEN owl pictures, people—and only TWO of bacon. And it’s not even noon yet.

I don’t get it. I mean, okay, owls are super cute and really smart and know lots of stuff about science, and since they’re all into Hinduism and Kabbalah they can sit up in trees, judging and shaming us from above with all the wise shit they know.

But it’s not like an owl is fucking delicious for breakfast, and I’m sure I wouldn’t like to what an owl sounds like while being sizzled alive on a griddle at Waffle House on a Sunday morning.

I’m stumped.


