Let’s build a hive for humans with ADHD

Danish Pannu
Humans with ADHD
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2023

Scroll down for submission procedure.

In December of 2021, when I had just finished 25 years of my chaotic existence, I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Many people who get an adult diagnosis, have at some point gotten another diagnosis, particularly of depression, anxiety, or bipolar. I was no different.

Let’s just say, it was an interesting journey looking back at my childhood, adolescence and young adult life and reanalyzing everything!

I’ll keep this post short, and talk more about my ADHD journey in this publication Humans with ADHD.

One thing that helped me a lot was connecting with others like me in online forums. The community at Inflow was particularly helpful.

I would love to connect with more people with “bees in their heads" on Medium, and hope that we all can learn from and teach each other.

I’d love for you to contribute to this publication through your articles, poems, thoughts, crazy ideas and anything else that you’d want to share about your unique ADHD journey.

I like to call this space a hive for all the bees in our heads. Let’s build this together and have fun in the process! :)

Please respond to this post if you’re interested in publishing here.

Thank you!

I’m looking forward to reading your stories.

Submission procedure:

  1. Respond to this article expressing your interest.
  2. Wait for our reply. We will add you as a writer.
  3. If you already have an idea about what you want to share, great! If not, check the Monthly Prompts page for writing prompts.
  4. Write and submit your article to the publication for review. Make sure to keep the “private notes” option open.
  5. Preferably, it should be a new article, not already published on Medium. (If you have recently published something (not older than a week), we can consider it.)
  6. The review procedure is just to check these things:
  • It is an original piece of writing.
  • It is from a human with ADHD (self-diagnosis is acceptable).
  • It meets the general Medium rules.
  • There are no typos.
  • If needed, suggestions to make the text more accessible will be provided via private notes. (ADHD brains tend to mix a lot of topics together; so it is useful to have another set of eyes to make sure it is comprehensible)

7. Wait for 48 to 72 hours for feedback. If everything is okay, your article will be published after this review.

Happy writing! :)



Danish Pannu
Humans with ADHD

Active reader, budding writer. Dreamer. PhD dropout. Expat in France. Neurodivergent. Queer. A feeling machine who thinks.