[Humanscape Advisor] ‘Design The Experience’, Center for Creative Convergence Design Head, “Jeong-yun Heo”

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4 min readJul 9, 2018
Center for Creative Convergence Design Head, “Jeong-yun Heo”

Hello HUMs :)

This is the Humanscape Team!

We’ve introduced the concept of HCI through our last interview with Dr. Jin-kyu Jang. Today, we have an interview with another Humanscape advisor who is an expert in the HCI field. Professor Jeong-yun Heo is the Head of the ‘Center for Creative Convergence Design (LINC) and a professor at the Dept. of Automotive & Transportation Design at Kookmin Univ.

1. Welcome Professor Heo, it would be great if you could briefly introduce yourself to the Humanscape community.

Hello everyone. I am currently a professor instructing graduate students at the Dept. of Automotive & Transportation Design at Kookmin Univ. I am most interested in setting up a new user experience where the paradigm is changing, and making the biggest use of it. In the past, I worked on strategic model product planning for private companies, but now I am studying autonomous navigation, robots, and Fin-tech fields. Last year, our team conducted a study called “parking lot Fin-tech”, which uses vehicles as a payment method: related patents were registered this year.

2. What did you see in Humanscape to have joined as an advisor?

I came to know Humanscape through DHP (Digital Healthcare Partner). There are two criterias that I usually look at before I join as an advisor. The first criteria is that the startup must be in a field that I am specifically interested in. The second criteria is that there must be something I can contribute to in that project. By serendipity, the Fin-tech research from before made me study blockchain. Therefore, I wanted to join the advisory board and help Humanscape achieve the paradigm that they are aiming for while also furthering my understanding of blockchain.

3. Many people are recognize the term UI/UX these days, but I think they are unfamiliar about HCI. Could you explain to us what HCI is, and why it is important?

Simply put, UI is the most basic manipulation or interaction method, UX is more in terms of the flow of manipulation, and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) is the relationship that humans share with machines. From a philosophical point of view, it is a shift of perspective from ‘Oh, I don’t know how to use this’ to one where ‘Oh, this device can’t match my needs’. Therefore, HCI is a Human-Centered Design designed to focus on the the people using it, not the machines.

4. There are a lot of interactions within Humanscape, what do you think Humanscape needs to prioritize in its most early stages of development?

I think it is important for Humanscape to draw a map of their stakeholders. Users don’t make up the whole stakeholder group, but there are also people with very different roles within it. It is quite the same for the persona. The main target does not necessarily have to be user-specific. We need to draw all the people involved in the stakeholder map and see what they want, and what they don’t like. By doing so, the Humanscape Project will not be shaken in an emergency situation during development.

5. Our greatest concern regards the stage when patients will have to actually input data. What can we do in order to make it straightforward and smooth for patients to input their data?

Humanscape will have to give constant attention in the implementation of their information input function. You will not have to enter all the necessary information in one place, but you will have to design it appropriately so that it is well dispersed. Split one layer from another and give it a nudge in the middle… we need to test each step as we go.

But do not lose the original meaning from trying to prioritize design. All you have to do is make the patient feel that they need this service. It is difficult to make the user voluntarily enter information even if the UI is convenient.

So, Humanscape’s concern should not be about making the UI simple for the user, but rather how to generate and maintain motivation for the user to input information. It is a good idea to give incentives so that patients will provide quality info that would never be presented if it was centralized.

6. It seems that you can provide insight on improving the actual service. Is there anything that you see as lacking in part of Humanscape? If we could improve anything what should we work on?

I think that it is not time yet for me to judge whether something is good or bad. We need to first focus on creating this platform together well!

We thank Professor Heo once again for her insight from having worked at LG Electronics, Samsung Life Insurance. We are thankful that she was able to easily explain to the community what HCI is. Her interest in the Humanscape Project is much appreciated and we hope for her continued advice step by step. Thank you!

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