Humanscape participates in ‘Vision walk 2018 summer camp seminar’ with Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness.

Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018

On August 25th and 26th, Min-hoo Chang, CEO of Humanscape, volunteered in ‘Vision walk 2018 summer camp seminar’ that was arranged by Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness.

‘Vision walk summer camp’ held by Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness, a patient community for retina-related incurable diseases that had signed MOU with Humanscape, took place once again as it does every year. ‘Vision walk 2018 summer camp’ consisted of sharing RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa) treatment methods, and more specifically, there were several sessions held by prominent professors and doctors from all over Korea.

For example, there were sessions that discussed topics on ‘US Stem Cell Clinical Therapy and skill/technology development of the upcoming generations’ (led by the President of Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness, Jeong-Nam Choi, and Dr. Seung-Gyu Lee of Yonsei University Severance Eye Hospital), ‘Genetics testing and diagnosis, and RP Gene treatments’ (led by Dr. Tae Kwann Park of Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital at Bucheon), ‘RP gene analysis, results, and its future plan’ (led by Dr. Jong-Young Lee, Former Senior Researcher at National Institute of Health Center for Genome Science), ‘RP nutritional supplements and drug information,’ and ‘consultations, Q&A with physicians.’ Around 100 patients and members of the Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness joined us for this event.

(left) the President of Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness, Jeong-Nam Choi / (right) members of the foundation

Gratefully, in courtesy of Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness, we were able to introduce the Humanscape Project to the patients and their families and discussed the blockchain technology and the Patients-Generated Health Data. Although some patients and their family members were unfamiliar with blockchain technology, they showed tremendous interest and support for our project by asking questions even after the session had ended.

Furthermore, we were able to communicate with the patients more casually and what we were told the most by the patients was that they wished to help in the development of therapeutic drugs, and secondly, they were very eager for any kind of information available. Under the leadership of President Jeong-Nam Choi, the members of the Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness were actively involved in the development of new treatment methods of retinal diseases, by helping in collecting information and supplying information to research institutes. The Korean Foundation Fighting Blindness members were not merely communicating and helping each other emotionally, but also actively participating in the development of practical treatments for all others.

“I did not want to come to this event either. It’s tough enough for me to suffer from this disease, and I was certain that I would not be able to control my emotions if I met someone that was in a worse condition than me. However, I came because I was curious about how people who are suffering from this disease continue to cope with it. I just want to help in any way I can in developing a new treatment.”

This statement said by a patient left a deep impression to the Humanscape team. Although the path that Humanscape team is taking will not be an easy one, we firmly believe that it will be valuable and beneficial for all. Our time at ‘Vision Walk 2018’ has once again reminded us of why we wanted to start this project, and to which direction we must continue on. It was a priceless time at ‘Vision Walk 2018.’

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