Making AI Work for Humans
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2023

There will be two kinds of humans: those who use AI and those who will not. Guess who will have the upper hand? We, at, never doubted this hypothesis, and we never will. We are at the edge of a gigantic transformation regarding our societies, cultural perspectives, and thinking patterns. We can’t go back, and there is no way out. We are embracing the ultimate technology invented during humankind’s journey, discovering the most remarkable tool: artificial intelligence. This generation has its own war to fight. But this is a different kind of fight. This is a fight to put the greatest tool ever invented in the hands of humans as an instrument for good, not as a weapon. It’s like a war for peace, if you will, but nevertheless, it’s a war, and it must be fought.

As a deep-tech company, we are aware of the tremendous responsibility we, as AI developers, have towards all of humanity. It’s our role to create, build, expand, and win this war for the greater good. We are not fighting artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, we are battling with ourselves, our inner fears, our wrong mentalities, our pride, and our greed. It’s so easy to stray from the right path. That’s why we have to make AI work for us, for humans, like the ultimate tool that transforms humans into better versions of themselves. How do we want to do this? We believe democratizing AI will give people access to AI tools in a transparent and secure framework. Which, in turn, will set the necessary foundation to support underdeveloped countries in overcoming challenges.

How do we make AI work for us, the people?

The rapid advancements in AI, particularly in deep learning, have raised questions and concerns about the role of AI in our lives. It’s essential to recognize that AI’s development and deployment are still firmly in the hands of humans. This presents us with an incredible opportunity to shape AI in ways that benefit society. Nevertheless, certain aspects of Human Intelligence (HI), such as Emotional Intelligence and intuition, may forever remain elusive to machines. AI should complement HI by tackling tasks handled sub-optimally by humans, especially those involving society, politics, and large constituencies.

The true potential of AI lies not in outright automation but in collaboration between human and machine intelligence. It should enhance, not replace, human skills and abilities, both mental and physical.

As an AI company, we believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that artificial intelligence serves its intended purpose but also aligns with the well-being and progress of humanity. As AI continues to weave its way into our daily lives, it raises crucial questions about how we can ensure it truly works for humans. In this part, we’ll explore how AI works for our collective betterment…

The areas where AI can work for humans now

First and foremost, we need to recognize AI as a tool, not a replacement, for human intelligence. AI is at its best when it augments human abilities and helps us solve complex problems. Take healthcare, for instance. AI-driven diagnostic tools can assist medical professionals in making more accurate and timely decisions, potentially saving lives. However, these tools should aid, not substitute doctors’ expertise and empathy.

Moreover, AI has the potential to revolutionize education, making learning more personalized and accessible. By analyzing individual learning styles and adapting curricula accordingly, AI can help students reach their full potential. But we must be cautious; AI should not be seen as a replacement for educators but as a tool that empowers them to be more effective mentors.

One of the most significant ways AI can work for humans is to establish a real connection between citizens and governments and to reinvigorate the decision-making paradigm. AI can play a pivotal role in addressing societal issues like poverty, inequality, and access to healthcare. Algorithms can be designed to allocate resources more efficiently, directing aid to where it’s needed most. AI-driven solutions can help bridge the gap between the privileged and the marginalized.

AI has the capacity to act as a representative for citizens when dealing with their government. In our contemporary society, there is a pressing requirement for immediate communication between governments and the public. AI tools can remedy this by bridging the divide that separates these two entities. Artificial intelligence can collect data on the requirements and preferences of citizens, swiftly transmitting this information to governmental bodies to guide decisions that align with the wishes of the populace.

To make AI work for humans, we must foster a culture of responsible AI development. Governments and industry bodies should collaborate to establish clear guidelines that ensure AI is a force for good. Lastly, the future of AI is a global endeavor. Collaboration across borders is essential for establishing universal standards and preventing the proliferation of AI technologies that disregard ethics or exacerbate inequalities. By working together, we can harness AI’s immense potential to create a world where technology truly serves humanity.

In conclusion, the future of AI is not about replacing humans but working alongside them. It’s our collective responsibility to guide AI’s evolution in a way that truly makes AI work for humans and enhances the human experience. AI is the key to unlocking a brighter future for humanity, but it requires careful stewardship. To ensure AI works for humans, we must keep it accountable, fair, and aligned with our values. By doing so, we can unlock the incredible potential of AI as a force for positive change in our world.

