Oxford University hosts Romania’s AI Government Adviser robot ION

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4 min readJul 10, 2023

Oxford, UK — In a historic event, the world’s first AI government adviser, the ION AI robot, created by Humans.ai as part of the Romanian AI initiative, took center stage at Oxford University. The prestigious institution played host to a special session titled ‘Advancing Governance with AI: Exploring Romania’s ION Project,’ where Oxford researchers engaged in thought-provoking conversations about the potential of AI in enhancing governance.

Romania’s AI Government Adviser Robot

The ION AI robot, a groundbreaking development employed by the Romanian Government, was invited to the Oxford campus by the Oxford AI Society to share insights into the technical aspects and ethical implications of utilizing AI technology to represent citizens’ voices.

Developed pro bono by the AI and research community in Romania, the ION initiative acts as an independent research project, collecting and representing the desires and concerns of Romanian citizens to the government. Its primary goal is to aid decision-makers in promptly addressing pressing issues and formulating effective solutions.

Utilizing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and complex computer vision techniques, ION can accurately capture the opinions of Romanian citizens. Through AI algorithms, unsupervised learning methods, and deep neural networks, ION identifies public administration topics of interest, prioritizes discussions on social media based on their impact on the public sector and provides decision-makers with valuable insights into citizens’ expectations. In essence, ION aims to serve as a modern-day Agora, bridging the gap between citizens and decision-makers and ensuring that every voice is heard.

Vali Malinoiu, CTO Humans.ai

Vali Malinoiu, the Chief Technology Officer at Humans.ai, expressed his delight at presenting the world’s first AI counselor to the esteemed members of the Oxford AI Society. During the discussion, Malinoiu shed light on the technical intricacies behind ION, highlighting how the robot comprehends emotions, biases, topics, and opinions to generate meaningful questions and insightful answers. Furthermore, he emphasized the ethical considerations embedded in ION’s execution and design, including confidentiality, informed consent, and non-malfeasance, which reflect the conscientious efforts of AI researchers, engineers, and volunteers involved in the project’s development.

To ensure ethical use and protect citizens’ interests, ION processes all received messages from the ion.gov.ro website and social media platforms and disseminates conclusive reports in an anonymous manner. In addition to its software-based reporting, the ION project features a physical component — a robot-type installation capable of interacting with Romanians at public events, thereby collecting data from both online and offline interactions with the population.

A Groundbreaking Discussion on Advancing Governance with AI at Oxford

The presentation of the ION project to the Oxford AI community sparked engaging discussions among students and showcased the significant impact of AI on governance. Jessie Jiang, the president of the Oxford AI Society, expressed her excitement and highlighted the enthusiasm of the participants. “We’re all excited to see what’s next for this game-changing tech!” she exclaimed.

Nishen Menerapitiya, a Events and Media Team member at Oxford AI Society described witnessing ION in action as a delightful experience, praising its seamless interactions. Menerapitiya eagerly anticipated the ION project’s profound impacton advancing AI governance worldwide, emphasizing its potential to bring positive changes to the global community.

At the Oxford University event, attendees had the unique opportunity to interact with the ION physical prototype. The Romanian National Post Company played a vital role in transporting the 2-meter-tall robot to the Oxford campuses.

Valentin Stefan, the general director of the Romanian National Post Company, expressed pride in the organization’s involvement in delivering such a significant achievement in the modern history of the Romanian state, highlighting its commitment to growth and technological development.

At the end of the day, the event at Oxford University marked a milestone in the intersection of AI and governance. The presence of the ION AI robot and the discussions it sparked among researchers, scholars, and students showcased the immense potential of AI in shaping the future of governance. As the ION project progresses, the world eagerly awaits its transformative impact on AI governance worldwide.

