5 Fun Games To Play With Kids During Compulsory Isolation

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4 min readMay 8, 2020

Self-isolation is not only a time to work remotely but also a perfect (emergency) opportunity for close contact with the family and especially with children. Most youngsters study online, both teachers and scholars got used to it. Even some kindergartens send tasks for Pre-K. But children who stay at home still need an enormous amount of attention. If you’ve already run out of ideas for your shared pastime, we collected some tips for games using handy materials.

But first, let’s make one thing clear — all children are different! If one likes to sit and paint for hours, then another needs to conquer the world climbing from tree to tree outside or home-made obstacle course. We tried to take into account common interests and collected five exciting games for you, your kids, and other members of the family.

Always internet activity or videogames as a last resort. But you are better than this.

Time To Build A Cardboard House!

There are plenty of solid cardboard houses already on sale, Amazon can help you with it in a couple of clicks. But the idea is to design and construct it together, children are more interested in making a house themselves. First, you need a box. The bigger, the cooler. Add paints, pencils, stickers to it, and anything you want to decorate the house with. Boxes suitable for the game can be very different, depending on the age of the kids. Small boxes form ovens or local deliveries are just fin for young ones, while older children prefer those from refrigerators, TVs, etc.

Call Me Sherlock

“Sherlock” is a game for both kids and adults. You need to put a row of items on a tray, let the kids watch a minute to memorize them, and then ask them to turn away. Then you need to switch objects, you can remove some. Next, the player must restore the changed order. The game can be scaled up to the size of the room, and the time of environment analysis can be increased or decreased.

No, It’s Not A Chocolate Bar To Eat!

A “Touch” game is a great opportunity to continue training on guessing and work on the development of touch. You need to take a box or bag and put different items in it or just pass it through one by one. For example, a comb, pen, keychain, cinnamon stick, sponge, etc. The child should be blindfolded and given one object in his hands. The task is to guess as many objects as possible.

Clock Is Ticking

You can do something for your Tik-Tok account if you wish, but this game is called “Tick-Tock”. You’ll need a ticking clock, like a kitchen timer. Start the timer for a few minutes and hide it in the room or outside. The child should listen and try to find the timer within the allotted time. You can give clues, including how far away the timer is from the object by defining by code words “hot-cold”.

Who Is The Best Painter In Town

It’s just a collaborative drawing, but you can easily change the topic to a family portrait or a battle painting. As a “canvas” you can use a paper of bigger size, from A2 to A0, but a piece of old wallpaper or the back of an unneeded poster (not glossy) is also OK. The main thing is to follow the “no rules” rule! Everyone draws what they want and where they want but do not escalate it, it’s a surface for public self-expression, be attentive and polite. Still combining the drawings is welcome. Play some classical music to create inspiration and an arty mood.

Do not forget about modern technology. Conference call programs can also be used by children (under adult supervision), for example, for online courses on drawing, modeling, or just to talk and play with friends. By the way, children are having birthday celebrations through videoconferencing, too!




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