5 Signs It’s Time To Leave Your Job

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2 min readNov 15, 2018

It’s OK to have qualms about the hard long work day lying ahead every once in a while, but if you constantly find yourself looking for an excuse not to go to work, something must be wrong. Don’t chalk it up to a typical case of the Monday — a job that bad simply isn’t worth the anxiety disorder. Here are five clear signs indicating that you should consider putting in your two weeks notice:

You are procrastinating at the workplace

We all slack from time to time — there’s nothing wrong with that. After all, that’s how we were designed by nature. Observing yourself procrastinating at the desk way too often, however, might indicate that you deem your job boring, not challenging enough or even meaningless. If this seems to be the case, it’s time to consider whether your current position is a good fit.

You’re constantly complaining about your job

Some employees tend to nag about their job even when in truth they’re happy with everything. If you are one of them, that’s one thing; if while in the middle of a conversation you suddenly realize you’ve been lately complaining about your boss on every occasion, something is clearly wrong. There’s little chance he’s that terrible.

You find the work environment negative

A healthy work environment is hugely important, given that it affects employee’s emotional state like nothing else. It consists of many aspects: corporate morale, relationships between co-workers, their attitude towards the upper management, etc. If you notice that there have been lasting problems with any of these aspects lately, it’s probably time to get out.

Everyone else is jumping ship

There’s no rocket science here: employees generally don’t give their positions up for something else if they believe that things are going well for the company they’re working in. If your co-workers are massively fleeing, something is certainly wrong. Collective departures among upper management are especially indicative of that — everybody knows that the rot starts at the top.

You catch yourself justifying your job

“I hate this place, but at least I’m paid well”. “If it wasn’t for the salary, I’d be long gone by now”. If this sounds familiar, know that’s the reptilian part of your brain performing the same old trick: it’s trying to convince you to stay put and avoid doing anything mentally demanding. So consider leaving instead. Emancipate yourself.




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