Problems HumanixR intends to solve

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3 min readApr 14, 2018

Social media users have suffered by sharing their data which eventually helps these large social media platforms fill their own pockets. It’s high time that the users start benefitting from the information they have and the content they create. We, at HumanixR are trying to solve this problem and incentivize the users. HumanixR is a revolutionary decentralized application that will put in perspective the shortcomings of these social media platforms and will address the concerns of the users.

I will list some of the issues faced frequently by the users and their solution provided by HumanixR.

No Economic Benefits for users

In the current business model adopted by social media platforms there is no economic or monetary benefit for the users, who are the main content creator. The social media giants user the user’s data and content with the main motive of increasing their own profit.

HumanixR aims to disrupt this biased culture and give back to users a fair share of the revenue generated by them. The plan is to give back 50% of all earnings back to the community.

“A person's hand holding up a roll of dollar bills” by Vitaly Taranov on Unsplash

Centralization and Censorship

In today’s world social media network have complete control in deciding what can be promoted on their platform and who can be blocked. There is no transparency in decision making and the community is not taken into account. This is basically centralization of power.

At HumanixR, we are using Blockchain technology to resolve this issue. This technology will enable the community to take take decisions to block or promote someone with transparency.To keep the network accountable and free from any bias, the decision will be kept on the available networks.

“A sticker reading “good news is coming” on an advertising column” by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Intrusive Ads

The users have little or no control over what ads they view. The ads are targeted at users based on the demographic and in cases where the advertisers choose the wrong target audience, it can be backfire by causing offence to the users.

This problem will be resolved by HumanixR by giving freedom to the users themselves to watch the ads at their chosen time and which would be relevant to them as well. HumanixR will be leveraging the power of machine learning to enhance the quality and usefulness of the ads shown to the users. This would ensure that both the users and the advertisers are satisfied and has the potential to increase the conversion rate of the advertisements.

To understand in detail how HumanixR will achieve all this and solve problems you can read our whitepaper on



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HumanixR is a Dapp that seeks to incentivize human interaction. It represents the the next evolution of social networks and technology.