Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2018


Rewarding People for their Insights

How cool would it be to get rewarded for giving an honest opinion about a place or a service? Most of the social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram mainly run on content crowd sourced by the users but the rewards are reaped by advertisers and the end users are left with nothing. It’s high time that platforms which crowd-source information from users start considering the users as stakeholders, who should be rewarded for the insights and data they provide to these platforms. The platforms are benefiting to a huge extent as they hardly have to spend a dime in the process of creating quality content.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

An Ideal World — Everyone is Equally Rewarded ?

The Users of Social media or such platforms should be rewarded based on the value they and their content bring to these social networks.

A system should be in place where the individual contributor is looking forward to the next opportunity to share his or her wisdom about places, services, things, etc. To have such a system in place, it is pertinent that platforms introduce a reward system whose aim is to be fair when it comes to distributing the profits. But maybe not equally.

The Users of Social media or such platforms should be rewarded based on the value they and their content bring to these social networks.

How to ensure fairness and quality of the content ?

Users have an inherent interest in ensuring that the content on the Net work is genuine, is of A+ quality, profitable and really meaningful for the masses.

To ensure that users give genuine feedback and insights, a mechanism should be in place where other users are able to vote for a response and other users can verify the correctness of the response.

This will not only guarantee that the recommendations and information coming in is curated but also provide the users with a content ranking system which can be trusted. Since people are rewarded based on their value to the network — They have an inherent interest in ensuring that the content on the Net work is genuine, is of A+ quality, profitable and really meaningful for the masses.

A place (or Network) where people own the content that they produce and are rewarded fairly will eventually evolve.

Photo by Pietro Jeng on Unsplash


A place (or Network) where people own the content that they produce and are rewarded fairly will eventually evolve.

As technology keeps on becoming more advanced and digital platforms continue to disrupt traditional business models, organizations should be looking to innovate if they really want to cater to a ever informed and vibrant user base.



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HumanixR is a Dapp that seeks to incentivize human interaction. It represents the the next evolution of social networks and technology.