Music: The Emotional Colloquium

Brian McGowan
Humble Thoughts From an Arrogant Man
3 min readDec 10, 2013


I enjoy music. In fact, I love it! Music is at the center of my life. I have played brass instruments for over 8 years and, as long as I can remember, I have sought out music to listen to. Most importantly, music is a release.

Wherever my emotions may be, there is a song that I can use to reflect that emotion back at myself and drive it away. Think of it as a sort of emotional cannibalism. Example: when I am angry and all I want to do is be angry, I put on some aggressive metal or rap and let the fury flow out of my body.

It is to the point where music is inextricably linked to my emotions; whatever song is being played tends to be the focus for how I feel (unless I just plain don’t like the song, but that’s another story). Put on some Antimatter and chances are I will feel very moody and want to brood. Is that Muse in the background? Time to rock.

I sometimes think it is the same way for many people. I have met people who, while they share music with me, most definitely have more artists they listen to that they are not telling me about. I like to think they do that because of the same reasons I don’t tell other people about the artists closest to my heart. It’s because what artists we listen to are a direct reflection of ourselves. It’s so unabashedly personal that many people don’t feel comfortable in confessing the songs closest to their hearts.

I feel that is representative of our current culture. There is an emotional separation between people, no matter how similar or different. Everyone experiences this. For instance, I would feel uncomfortable confessing my secrets to many of my friends because a) they probably wouldn’t approve, b) they would affect their dispositions to me in a negative way, or c) it would create awkward situations. I am sure that most (if not all) people experience this in their day to day lives.

I dislike these barriers. They make me feel isolated. Like an island. I don’t like that so, naturally, I want to break them down. How do I break barriers? Bring people together to talk about something. What do people like? People like music, so I have found the best way to bring people together: music!

I firmly believe sharing music is a way to conquer these emotional boundaries. I often find I can’t create the proper phrases and sentences to convey my emotions. That’s why I use music. Music is my inner voice, most of the time. Giving someone a song that I have an emotional connection to helps to break down that emotional separation. When I give you music I am giving you a piece of my mind.

So, next time someone gives you a piece of music to listen to, try to understand what he or she is saying and reciprocate. Who knows? You may make a new friend.



Brian McGowan
Humble Thoughts From an Arrogant Man

Owner-Operator, Be Cubed, LLC. Purveyor of concessions, ideas, and oxford commas.