Open Innovation facilitates meaningful discussions and problem-based learning

How Open Innovation Programs PitchHU and GrowHU Drive Academic Commercialization

Ajit Verghese
humble words


Open innovation is the process of using both internal and external ideas, technologies, and resources to solve problems and identify new business opportunities. It is a model of innovation that is becoming increasingly popular among companies and academic institutions alike, due to its potential to drive the development of new products, services, and markets.

In the context of academic commercialization, open innovation offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it gives universities access to external resources and perspectives that are not readily available within academia. Furthermore, open innovation facilitates collaboration with companies and industry partners, creating a platform for knowledge and technology exchange.

At humble, we are proud to work to further open innovation efforts in partnership with Howard University’s Office of Research, and Fiserv on our PitchHU and GrowHU efforts, which create platforms for knowledge and entrepreneurial cultivation.

These collaborations not only enable academic institutions to leverage resources and expertise outside of the university environment but also enable universities to better understand the needs of the industry to ensure that their product or service is tailored accordingly.

Secondly, open innovation facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technology from research institutions to the public and private sectors. By working together and jointly developing innovative ideas, universities can leverage the resources available in the private sector to produce new services and products that can be commercialized. This collaboration also provides the opportunity to connect universities with corporate sponsors, who often provide financial support for research projects that are of mutual benefit.

Thirdly, open innovation provides an outlet for universities to monetize their research by allowing them to license their technologies and products to industry partners. By doing so, universities not only have the potential to receive financial benefits from their research but are also able to promote technology transfer between academia and business.

Finally, open innovation can help universities to create and disseminate knowledge to a broad audience which not only helps to create a more informed society but also serves to extend the impact of academic research. By partnering with industry, universities can utilize their expertise, networks, and resources to share the knowledge gained from their research and to educate the public on the benefits of their research findings.

Open innovation is a powerful tool that can help universities to improve their academic commercialization efforts in numerous ways. By collaborating with industry, universities can monetize their research findings and bring them to the market. Through open innovation, universities also have access to resources and expertise outside of academia, enabling them to better understand the needs of the industry, and to promote technology transfer between academia and business. Finally, open innovation provides an outlet to create and share knowledge with a wide audience, ultimately helping to improve the impact and public understanding of academic research.

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Ajit Verghese
humble words

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