Into the Great Wide Open. Under a Sky of Blue.

Leverage Beginner’s Mind to Find your Zen and build your business in the next PitchHU cohort. Apply Today!

Ajit Verghese
humble words


Beginner’s mind is a concept associated with Zen Buddhism that encourages individuals to approach life with an open, unjudging, and non-judgmental attitude. It encourages the practitioner to be childlike in the sense that the practitioner doesn’t have any existing preconceptions about what is to come. Instead, the practitioner is open to whatever arises — with a willingness to engage, discover, and experience everything from the perspective of a beginner.

To explain further, beginner’s mind requires one to let go of past experiences and preconceptions — to step outside of what is known and familiar in order to approach each moment fresh and with a curious and receptive mind. This can help an individual be open to new experiences and points of view — being willing to make mistakes, try new things and accept that there is much to be learned in life. It encourages playfulness, exploration and experimentation, and the realization that learning is a life-long journey.

At humble, we believe that approaching every project and partnership with a sense of beginner’s mind can increase creativity, remove the fear of failure and encourage innovation.

The Lean Startup movement promotes a principle of beginner's mind, that emphasizes learning in the face of uncertainty. Beginner’s mind is most important in the early stages of a startup. Many entrepreneurs focus on the end result, rather than the journey that is needed to get there, informed by the actions of customers or those you create value for. Beginners' mind helps to remind us that it is often more important to take small leaps without attaching ourselves to a particular result. This sense of openness allows entrepreneurs to pivot through a startup and tweak their approach as needed. Without this attitude, things can become stagnant, and an entrepreneur may hit dead ends when things do not work out.

Possessing a sense of beginner's mind opens up opportunities to explore ideas, build relationships and get feedback from others. This mindset promotes a sense of freedom and energy, because there is a lessening of fear and preconceived notions of success. Entrepreneurs can more willingly take risks in order to learn and grow as needed, instead of being restricted by what they think they already know.

Beginner's mind also allows us to focus on the process, not just the end result. Many entrepreneurs are so focused on the finish line that they forget to enjoy the journey or miss the journey altogether. This mentality helps to remind us that we should not be attached to the outcome, but instead earn the right to proceed each step of the way towards the destination. It teaches us to let go, accept failure, and enjoy the process of learning from each step we take.

Ultimately, beginner's mind is critical in a Lean startup because it creates the foundation for innovation and experimentation. Entrepreneurs should be willing to let go of their preconceived notions and expectations in order to be open to learning from their customers directly, and converting their assumptions into facts. This can create a more mindful, creative, and open-minded approach to startups. Through a mindset of openness and exploration, entrepreneurs can then be better equipped to solve problems that matter.

If you are interested in learning more about applying Lean Startup to your business, or if you are a founder building a business that would benefit from our expertise, please note that applications are currently open for the next PitchHU 3.0 cohort.

Go to PitchHU to learn more, or apply below!



Ajit Verghese
humble words

future of digital, future of health | Building @humbleventures | Edu: @BabsonGraduate, @Georgetown, @StAlbans_STA