One Easy Way To Know If You Have Product/Market Fit

Harry Alford
humble words


Finding Product/Market Fit can be a gradual process especially if there’s no obvious business opportunity yet. Scaling too soon or missing an optimal time to grow can spell death for your startup. Reaching Product/Market Fit can seem back-breaking, but measuring it doesn’t have to be.

Product/Market Fit, originally coined by Marc Andreessen, according to Eric Ries, Author of The Lean Startup, is “If you have to ask whether you have Product/Market Fit, the answer is simple: you don’t.” To know Product/Market Fit you must first understand lean startup principles:

  • Most startups fail by wasting money on a product no one wants
  • Instead, launch early and test business model hypotheses with a minimum viable product
  • Pivot when a hypothesis is wrong
  • Repeat until you have Product/Market Fit
  • Don’t scale until you have Product/Market Fit

Product/Market Fit is being in the right market with a product that can satisfy that market. You can’t be all things to all people and sometimes even having the most reputable investors can’t save a startup from mismanagement.

Drone startup, Airware, is a cautionary tale of startup overspending in hopes of finding Product/Market Fit. Airware recently shut



Harry Alford
humble words

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