Our Mission

humble ventures
humble words
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2016


By Adam Michel, Cofounder of Permit Zone

Everyone wants to live in safe and beautiful communities. We want to make our home our sanctuary, with that perfect lattice fence and back deck leading into a garden lush with fresh vegetables. Next to the garden is a salt-water pool, just big enough for the children to play in through those hot summers. This is rarely the state we purchase a home in; it takes years to craft the perfect home and get everything just how we want it. This is also where the painful part begins.

Permitting is a requirement for sustainable communities. In order to keep communities safe and beautiful for all, municipalities require permits for major and minor projects alike. This allows them to ensure the fence is properly anchored so it doesn’t blow over during a strong thunderstorm. To ensure the pool is sealed and the deck drains properly, so that water will not leak into the soil, weakening the foundation of the home. Permits allow municipalities to ensure homes are kept safe and the community is prosperous.

Unfortunately we have made it really hard. Homeowners want to live in their sanctuary and municipalities want to protect the greater population. Yet, municipalities have made permitting such a painful process that many forego pulling permits altogether. Some don’t even realize that the garden shed they built requires a permit from their municipality. Permitting can be more complicated than doing your taxes, and even those working in the local building department have conflicting answers on what does and does not need a permit.

Our mission at PermitZone is to bring transparency to government process and democratize access to the information needed to build safer communities.

You shouldn’t need a law degree to interpret building codes and understand local city ordinances. You shouldn’t need 15 years of relationship building with the local city officials to ensure your next housing development is built on time. No municipality wants to be known for collecting huge fines and causing delays for construction projects, but they simply don’t have the resources to solve this problem alone.

We believe by providing an easier path for one side to communicate with the other, we can improve the process for everyone involved. With PermitZone, anyone can quickly get relevant permit information with two simple questions: where are you, and what are you doing? We make pulling a permit painless with our simple form and digital permit delivery. Getting your next permit should be this easy, and we have 15 years of experience to prove it.

Follow us on Twitter to track our progress. To learn more, go to permitzone.com.



humble ventures
humble words

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