The Future Of Schooling

humble ventures Designs & Facilitates Remote Education For High School

Harry Alford
humble words
2 min readMay 25, 2020


Photo by Changbok Ko on Unsplash

Amid COVID-19, schools have to adjust to remote learning in the middle of the spring semester. The majority have moved online, utilizing a wide variety of tech platforms and resources. For many, the transition has been challenging. Some view the set of circumstances as an opportunity to innovate instruction. That’s precisely what Episcopal High School’s McCain-Ravenel Center for Intellectual and Moral Courage (EHS) is accomplishing, in partnership with humble ventures, with the 2020 Launch Course.

Located In Alexandria, VA, EHS is a private boarding school for boys and girls in grades 9 through 12. EHS needed help providing students options for remote education during the global pandemic crisis. We designed and facilitate a unique online course giving students tools to create and lead in their post-EHS careers.

The 2020 Launch Course offers seniors a course inspired by design thinking and innovation-related programs. In the course, students research leaders in business and the nonprofit world and focused on some of the following innovative skill sets and topics:

  • Workforce preparation
  • Design thinking and human centered-design
  • Lean startup/entrepreneurship
  • Data-informed decision making
  • Marketing

The structure includes meeting synchronously, asynchronous group work, and hosting office hours utilizing the latest technology like Slack, Miro, Flipgrid, Google Classroom, and Webex. The students work in groups to identify problems, understand customers, evaluate business opportunities, map unique value propositions, and construct a sales story, culminating in a Rocket Pitch presentation.

The future of education will require schools to make difficult decisions like the modification of schedules to reduce in-person instruction. However, COVID-19 presents tremendous opportunities to innovate, strengthen communication, and immerse students in new technology from where ever they are. We look forward to helping more schools navigate the new normal.

humble ventures

Humble Ventures is a venture development firm that drives innovation forward in partnership with startups, established enterprises, and investors.

We focus on diverse entrepreneurs that are solving problems for the fastest growing demographic segments. We believe that diverse entrepreneurs provide opportunities for disproportionate returns and represent the markets of the future.




Harry Alford
humble words

Transforming enterprises and platforms into portals to Web3