What to Learn from Google’s OKR Strategy

younus iftekhar
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2022

In the early days of Google, co-founder Larry Page and Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt were looking for ways to measure and improve the performance of their company. They turned to a framework called OKRs, which had been pioneered by Intel chairman Andy Grove.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a simple way to set goals and measure progress. Each objective is assigned a specific key result, which must be met for the objective to be considered successful.

Google began using OKRs in 2001, and the system was appreciated & the company grew from a small startup into a global powerhouse. Today, OKRs are used by businesses of all sizes around the world.

John Doerr, a partner at the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, is credited with introducing OKRs to Google. At the time, Google was a small startup with around 30 employees. Page and Brin, the co-founders of Google, quickly adopted OKRs across the company.

Since then, after seeing tremendous growth, OKRs have become an integral part of Google’s culture and DNA. They are used to measure and track progress and help ensure that everyone in the company is focused on the same goals.

OKRs are deeply rooted in Google’s Culture

OKRs are used to bring strategic focus to the organization. They consist of ambitious objectives that should be achieved through measurable key results. The concept of OKRs is deeply rooted in the strategic organization of Google and is based on its corporate values such as transparency and a culture of efficient self-organization. As one of Google’s core values, transparency is also part of the foundation on which OKRs are built. Therefore, every OKR can be viewed publicly by every employee. In this way, the contribution of the individual to the company’s success can be consistently tracked.

The use of OKRs has been a major contributor to Google’s success. Since it was first implemented in 1999, Google has seen year-on-year growth in almost all areas of its business. In addition, OKRs have helped to create a highly motivated and results-oriented workforce.

Other companies have also begun to adopt the use of OKRs, recognizing their value in driving strategic alignment and focus across the organization. In this way, OKRs can help to create a culture of accountability and ownership for achieving results.

If you’re looking to implement OKRs in your organization, there are a few takeaways from Google’s successful OKR strategy to keep in mind.

Set clear and concise objectives that are aligned with the company’s strategy.

Google’s success is a testament to the power of OKRs and the importance of setting clear and concise objectives. The company’s early days were marked by a lack of focus and direction. That changed when Google adopted Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs.

If objectives are too vague or unrealistic, they may not be effective in helping employees achieve their goals. It’s also important to ensure that OKRs are aligned with the company’s ultimate strategy. By setting clear and concise objectives, employers can help their employees stay focused and motivated, which can lead to better results for the company.

Ensure that key results are measurable and attainable.

Key results are the ultimate yardstick for measuring success. They’re measurable, attainable, and provide an accurate representation of progress made toward a company’s goals or objectives at a given period (mostly measured per quarter).

To set up the key results you need only identify what you consider “key,” which usually refers directly to related data points like revenue numbers this quarter, new product developments, etc, and then rank each variable accordingly to measure the actual outcome. In short, your key results must define how well you have been able to achieve your objective.

Make sure that everyone in the organization is familiar with OKRs and their role in achieving them.

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Google’s organization is like an engine with many parts, all working together to make sure that OKRs are met and achieved. Google’s OKRs system ensures that everyone in the organization is on board and knows their role. They also made sure to have a shared goal for what we’re trying to achieve as an enterprise, which I think is important! They make sure everyone knows what OKRs are, as well as how they can contribute towards achieving them with the company’s business goals!

Google has an organization-wide initiative that everyone in the company is familiar with. The goals are set by representatives from different departments and each department’s goal aligns perfectly with those of others within this larger group, creating harmony throughout all operations as well as increased productivity due to cohesive working practices.

The importance here isn’t just having employees understand what they need to do; it’s ensuring there’s alignment across groups so no one gets left behind or wasted on unimportant projects while still achieving business objectives together

Track and report on progress regularly

The importance of OKR metrics cannot be overstated. Google made sure that their most important aspect, which is tracking the model’s objectives and key results regularly, was done with great care to get accurate data for revisions or tweaks when necessary.

Reiterations in the objectives and key results were possible because of consistent tracking. Another important aspect of OKR is that since a quarterly analysis is being done in 95% of the companies that use OKRs- a quick revamp strategy is easy to implement before it gets too stale.

Grade your OKRs

Grading your OKRs is an important part of taking Google’s feedback seriously. They usually grade their rankings between 0 and 1, with a perfect score being 100%. For example, 60–70% would be considered “doing well” but not excellent or superior yet — which could mean you need more data points before claiming victory in this area! You can use huminos (our own OKR software platform) as both tracking tools for completing tasks on time & grading OKRs.

The use of OKRs can be a powerful tool for driving success in your organization. By following the tips above, you can ensure that you’re setting up your team for success.

