
Fills the nighttime sky

Marilyn Flower
Humor! Authenticity! Magic!
2 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo by Matt ODell on Unsplash

Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…used to be rush hour traffic copter overhead.

Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…chills rip up and down my spine…
Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…another brother or sister of color’s life snuffed out…

Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…right outside my window of an evening…
Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…lasers crisscrossing the crowds below…

Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…fades a bit then returns…
Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…Black Lives Matter, out in full force…

Chuff-chuff-chuff-chuff…the louder, the closer…
CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…they’re on the freeway…
CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…to say, STOP the killings!

CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…they keep happening…
CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…streets, parks, freeway overpasses…
CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…full of weary, angry souls…

CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…Your kids, my kids, your granny, my granny. CHUFF, CHUFF, CHUFF CHUFF…hoarse voices crying, ENOUGH! ENOUGH!



Marilyn Flower
Humor! Authenticity! Magic!

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?