In the Arms of a Tenderness

Close encounters of a serendipitous kind

Marilyn Flower
Humor! Authenticity! Magic!


“We are in the arms of a Tenderness, we are in the atmosphere of a Sweetness, we are in the presence of a Light far beyond our dreaming.”

This is a quote from Dr. Ernest Holmes, spiritual leader and author of The Science of Mind, the basic text for what is now called Centers for Spiritual Living. It appears in each issue of Freedom Anywhere, a monthly prison newsletter I write for.

Reflecting on it got me thinking about the times in my life I most vividly encountered this tender, sweet Light in action.

Here’s my favorite:

One night I was coming home from a night of salsa dancing in San Francisco. I was the designated driver so I had dropped friends off and was heading towards the bridge. It was after 2 am.

All of a sudden one of the doors in the back started rattling, as if my friend Oscar hadn’t closed it all the way when he got out fifteen minutes earlier. Shouldn’t it have been rattling the whole time?

I pulled off at the next exit which was 7th street. I pulled to the curb and got out of the car to firmly shut that door.

“Excuse me, Lady?”

I looked up. From across the street a woman approached me wearing only a tee shirt…



Marilyn Flower
Humor! Authenticity! Magic!

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?