Knotty Pine Love

A reminder of what it takes for love to endure

Marilyn Flower
Humor! Authenticity! Magic!
May 8, 2024


Photo by Yash Patel on Unsplash

Creak…creak…creak…Listen to their love call.
Creak…creak…creak…A pair of old rocking chairs,
knotty pine, Gran Dad and Gee Maw.
Creak..creak…creak…Been together 67 years in all…
My Great, Great Grand Pappy
bought ’em at an estate sale over in Sweetwater,
brought ’em home to set on the porch
and catch him some evening sunset.

He caught his own sunset not long after —
named pneu-mon-i-a, and upped and died.
And not long after, Great, Great Grand Mammy
drifted off to heaven in sweet slumber.

The rockers stayed on the porch
and continued to rock of a sunset

Click here to finish reading and creaking




Marilyn Flower
Humor! Authenticity! Magic!

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?