TGIF Humor

“Don’t massage my Mangoes!!!”

Bellowed the Shopkeeper

Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2022


Photo by Stephen Broome on Unsplash

I have just returned from shopping at the local grocery store. There was a hilarious incident that occurred which reminds me that the weekend has finally arrived. I hope that you look forward to the weekend like I do. Anyway, here is a spot of humor to lighten your evening and kickstart your weekend.

I was picking up my items when I noticed an elderly gentleman, who must have been a septuagenarian looking at the fresh mangoes that had arrived. This is the season for mangoes, you get the sweetest ones during these months from July to August. The old gent must have been wanting to pick up a few mangoes as he looked at them longingly.

Yes, the mangoes did look ripe and delicious. I watched as the elderly man went over to where the mangoes were displayed in small cardboard boxes. He proceeded to tap a few of them to check for himself, whether the fruits were raw, ripe, or over-ripe.

Image provided by the Author, Warren "Storyteller" Brown

“Don’t massage my mangoes!!!”, bellowed the shopkeeper, from the other end of the shop, where he was serving customers. The old gentleman looked up embarrassed, as everyone turned to look at…

