50 Funny Puns on People Who Eat Alot

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4 min readDec 21, 2023

Welcome to the pun-derful world of those who never shy away from a second helping. In this universe, our heroes don’t just enjoy a meal; they embark on a ‘forklore’ adventure. With appetites as big as their sense of humor, they view ‘fast food’ as a race against time and always come out as the ‘bites’ champions. Salad is merely a ‘lettuce meet and greet’ before the main event, and they’re convinced that ‘carb’ is just short for ‘carb-tastic’. They don’t count calories; they make calories count… towards their next delicious conquest. For them, every pizza is a personal challenge, and they treat ‘all-you-can-eat’ buffets like a ‘groan-up’ playground. They are the knights in shining armor in the battle against empty plates, wielding forks like Excalibur. So here’s to the kings and queens of cuisine, the jesters of the gastro-world, whose motto is ‘eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we diet… maybe.

  1. “He doesn’t have meals, he has audience-participation feasts!”
  2. “She’s not a fast eater, she just likes to get her exercise by beating the speed of light to the fridge.”
  3. “He doesn’t follow recipes, he follows his nose… right to the buffet line.”
  4. “Her idea of portion control is making sure the food doesn’t fall off the plate.”
  5. “He considers ‘all-you-can-eat’ a personal challenge, not an invitation.”
  6. “She doesn’t snack, she takes inter-meal expeditions.”
  7. “His diet plan: If it’s green, it needs more cheese on it.”
  8. “In her kitchen, ‘leftovers’ is just a myth.”
  9. “He treats every meal like it’s his last… and the one before that, and the one before that.”
  10. “She doesn’t have a sweet tooth; she has a sweet set of dentures.”
  11. “For him, every hour is ‘happy hour’ as long as there’s a buffet.”
  12. “Her idea of a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.”
  13. “He has a love-hate relationship with food: He loves it, it hates leaving the plate.”
  14. “She doesn’t believe in sharing food. It’s a ‘me’al, not an ‘us’ meal.”
  15. “His idea of counting calories is making sure they’re all there.”
  16. “In her world, ‘fast food’ means it’s running away… but not for long.”
  17. “He’s on a seafood diet: He sees food and he eats it.”
  18. “Her refrigerator is like a magic trick — now you see it, now you don’t.”
  19. “He doesn’t eat to live; he lives to eat… and snack, and nibble, and munch.”
  20. “She thinks ‘portion size’ is a nice try by the diet industry.”
  21. “His idea of a light snack is a steak with a flashlight.”
  22. “She knows the best chefs in town by their first names… and their birthdays.”
  23. “He doesn’t wait for his food to cool down; he considers the burns a battle scar.”
  24. “For her, every day is Thanksgiving, and every night is a feast.”
  25. “He’s not overweight, he’s just a gastronomic overachiever.”
  26. “She’s never met a dish she didn’t like… twice.”
  27. “His stomach doesn’t growl; it demands tribute.”
  28. “She’s not a foodie, she’s a culinary explorer of the fridge.”
  29. “For him, ‘fine dining’ means using a fork.”
  30. “Her kitchen motto: Why make a meal when you can make a banquet?”
  31. “He treats the all-you-can-eat buffet like a marathon, and he’s always training.”
  32. “She has a sixth sense: detecting the faintest whiff of a snack.”
  33. “His favorite food groups are fast, faster, and fastest.”
  34. “For her, a salad is just a promenade path to the main course.”
  35. “He’s a multitasker: eating lunch while planning dinner.”
  36. “Her favorite workout is lifting pizza slices from box to mouth.”
  37. “For him, a meal without seconds is just an appetizer.”
  38. “She’s never late for dinner, but always early for breakfast.”
  39. “His love language is ‘seconds, please’.”
  40. “In her kitchen, the smoke alarm is just another timer.”
  41. “He eats like he’s preparing for hibernation — every day.”
  42. “Her motto: Life is short, eat dessert first… and second, and third.”
  43. “For him, every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough.”
  44. “She doesn’t do small talk, only snack talk.”
  45. “His spirit animal is a vacuum cleaner — nothing is left behind.”
  46. “She doesn’t believe in leftovers, only pre-planned continuous dining.”
  47. “His ideal weight is ‘one more slice’ away.”
  48. “She doesn’t wait for the oven timer; her stomach sets the schedule.”
  49. “For him, the food pyramid is just a suggestion, not a guideline.”
  50. “Her favorite exercise? Forklifts, from plate to mouth.”


  1. HumorNama, https://humornama.com/jokes/fat-jokes/.
  2. Ebooks, https://books.google.co.in/books?id=swOLBgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false
  3. HumorNama, https://humornama.com/puns/fat-puns/




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