Creating Laughs Together: A Chat with Rishav Sen Choudhury, Founder of HumorNama

Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2023

Welcome to our exclusive interview with Rishav Sen Choudhury, the creative mind behind HumorNama. Today, we’re diving into the world of HumorNama Community, a unique online space where jokes are born, laughs are shared, and connections are made. Let’s find out how Rishav is bringing humor into our daily lives.

Humornama Community Interview with Rishav

Q1: Rishav, can you tell us about the inspiration behind starting the HumorNama Community?

Rishav: “Absolutely! The idea sparked when I realized that laughter really is a universal language. I wanted to create a space where humor is the main currency, where anyone can share a laugh and brighten someone’s day. It’s all about connecting people through the joy of comedy.”

Q2: HumorNama Community sounds like a hub for jokesters. What makes it stand out from other humor platforms?

Rishav: “Our community is unique because it’s participatory. It’s not just about reading jokes; it’s about creating them. Users ask funny questions, and others jump in with punchlines. It’s collaborative humor at its best, fostering a sense of togetherness.”

Q3: The community’s audience is primarily young people. How do you think humor resonates differently with this age group?

Rishav: “Young people have a fresh perspective on life and often see the lighter side of things. Their humor is spontaneous, vibrant, and often a bit irreverent. That’s what makes their contributions so valuable — they keep the laughter genuine and relatable. Also, we do not have any limits. People who love dark humor are welcome.”

Q4: In a world full of serious news, how important do you think it is to have a space dedicated to humor?

Rishav: “It’s essential! In today’s world, we need a breather from the seriousness surrounding us. A dedicated space for humor acts like a sanctuary for the soul, a place where you can just let go and laugh.”

Q5: Can you share one of the funniest exchanges or jokes that originated in the HumorNama Community?

Rishav: “Oh, there are so many! But one that comes to mind is when the bot asked, ‘What’s the other name for putting a load in the dishwasher?’ and the top response was, ‘My wife prefers to call it intercourse..’ Simple, yet had us in splits!”


Q6: What’s your vision for the future of HumorNama Community? How do you see it evolving?

Rishav: “I envision HumorNama becoming a global platform for humor, where people from all walks of life can share a laugh. I see it evolving into a space that not only entertains but also brings awareness through satire and comedy.”

Q7: For someone new to HumorNama, what’s your advice on how to get the most out of the community?

Rishav: “Jump right in! Don’t be afraid to post your punchlines. HumorNama is all about interaction and engagement. The more you participate, the more you’ll enjoy the community.”

Q8: Finally, if you could describe the HumorNama Community in just three words, what would they be?

Rishav: “Innovative, Hilarious, United.”




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