Top 7 Things That Make an Indian Laugh

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4 min readOct 7, 2019


India, the nation of 1.3 billion has seen the rise of comedians in Bollywood, tv-series and stand up acts. Although, these people have surely cracked the recipe to make Indians laugh but today, we are going to discuss the top 7 things that make Indians laugh.

We are in the late 21st century and Indians are still learning to take a joke. The 21st century India has seen a lot of comedians like Biswa Kalyan Rath, Kanan Gill, Aditi Mittal, Vir Das, Tanmay Bhatt, Kapil Sharma, and others. Although, there have been a lot of controversies going around these personalities but they surely have unlocked the key to make an Indian laugh. Today, we are going to discuss seven things that make the Indians laugh.

The art of making someone laugh is very much related to the interests of the person. Indians are colorful species who love songs in movies, dance on every occasion, enjoy festivals like Diwali and Holi. Here are the things on which you need to keep a tab on if you want to make an Indian laugh.

  • Bollywood
  • Cricket
  • Politics

Every Indian living in any corner of the country is cent percent sure to take interest in any one of the three things mentioned above. Check below the list of 7 things to make an Indian laugh.

Top 7 Things That Make An Indian Laugh:

Moral Jokes

India is home to people of many religions like Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and others. A few decades back, the schools and parents used to teach their kids to strictly follow religious teachings. Now, with the increased usage of social media and due to a hint of influence from the other parts of the world, Indians are slowly becoming open-minded. Jokes and humor on ‘strange’ moral norms have widely laughed upon.

Political Humor

India is a land of democracy and there are enough political parties to support the different ideologies of the people. The Indian comedians thrive on the misses from the speeches of politicians and leaders. In fact, people take a lot of interest in these jokes which showcase the poor political wisdom of the politicians.

Indian Society Jokes

India has a lot of differences and variations from cities to the rural population. This opens up different customs and economic variations in the country. Every society has different norms and customs. Well, some of them do have some weird cultures. From Bangalore traffic jams to the butt-licking work culture of Delhi, Indians laugh at everything.

Relationships Jokes

India had one of the lowest sex ratios in the world a few years ago. Things might have improved, but the low sex ratio is still a major problem. States like Harayana are still working on encouraging the ‘Beti Bachao’ (save the girl child) campaign. Well, the topic has enough reasons to laugh at. First, men really don’t have much too choose from during their school or college days. The situation is much worse in the science stream. Second, the girls have much to choose from the lot. Unfair, right?

Jokes On Bollywood

Bollywood is the hub of Indian cinema formerly known as the ‘Bombay Cinema’. The amount of popularity an actress or actor gets in India is second to none. Actors like Akshay Kumar, Shahrukh Khan, and Salman Khan have a huge fan following and these fans leave no stone unturned to give a stick to others. The amount of movies’ earnings leads to the success or failure of the performance of an actor or actress. Irrespective of the outcomes, people love to hear about celebrities and one-two jokes might come in handy.

Student Life Jokes

The Indian students have a lot of responsibilities going to the colleges. The science stream has to crack engineering entrance exams or medical entrance exams. The rejections in these exams are mindblowing. In IITs, there are 13k seats and 10 lakh students sit in the entrance exam. Exams like NEET, CAT and UPSC Civil Services Exam follow the same suit. People coming out from this system take a huge honor in coming out of it and never miss a chance to laugh on their days of preparation.

You can also read: 23 Ways To Boost Your Sense Of Humor


Memes are trending in India. People are using memes to project their emotions attached to an event. Memes on JCB, Paragliding man, article 370 abrogation are some of the most searched terms in India’s internet in 2019. So if you are thinking to make an Indian friend laugh then share a meme with him.




Editor of Humornama, Humornama is the best entertainment website. It has a huge collection of funny memes, pictures, videos, GIFs, jokes, and hilarious stories.