Jammy on people that annoy me

But also make me laugh too.

Jamie Jones
4 min readMar 22, 2014

Hello boys and girls. Yes! It is that time of the week again, were I write/talk about a certain subject and or topic that occurs in everyones daily life but the only difference being I don’t sugar coat things! I say it as it really is ;).

So I hope all you lovely people are having a great start to your weekend so far! (Those that deserve it any way).

So as you have read from the title today I am going to talk about and list certain things that people say and do on a daily basis that annoys me and probably annoy you too. These people may be your friends, family, strangers but constanltly do and say things that you now are bull shit haha. So I am just going to give a few examples and scenarios and you will probably agree and now people that say and do things similar. P.S Some of these make me laugh I don’t lose sleep over these people. There just Douchebags ☺.

  • Those people who are in bad relationships and always say they have split up or are going to split up (you are thinking in your head fuck sake no your not!), but the next day they are back together acting all happy and sweet. Few days after that same story. (Get a life, get single and live! If your relationship is that bad, why go through that every week! ‘But I love him’ so get over it!)
  • People that ask for your honest opinion (I always give it any way), but then get annoyed or upset at you for telling them the truth. (At the end of the day they already know the truth deep down, but wan’t some one else to tell them straight, but then can’t handle it! Get a grip!)
  • People that act dead confident (guys mainly) with the girls and act cocky and tough but when it comes down too business there actually the most insecure babies ever.
  • People that wish they was dead and moan and become moody because of something that I wouldn’t even class as a problem. (hungover, bus is crowded, nail fell off, my football team lost, they have read the message but not texting me back e.t.c)
  • Big people that wear clothes too small for them! (Nothing wrong with being a big girl or guy, but wearing clothes that makes your fat flaps hang over your waist line will not help your appearance and it is fucking grose!)
  • When old people treat younger generation as rude and ignorant and spoilt. But they always express this too the decent ones that don’t deserve a lecture. (Not all old people are like this but I have seen this happen a lot).
  • Oh my god when people walk really slow in front of you in supermarkets, to the point where you turn around and detour half the shop to get were you wan’t to be because you can’t be arsed waiting and they aren’t moving there ass.
  • When you can tell someone disapproves of something or has something to say or an opinion about something. But won’t just blurt it out and spend half an hour trying to sugar coat it.
  • People who wan’t to ask and talk to you about work when your not in work!
  • When they tell you they are wild/good in the bedroom. But aren’t and turn out to be boring after bigging themself’s up.
  • People that don’t approve or agree with my life style haha (this doesn’t annoy me just makes me laugh). These people are either jealous, religious, in a bad relationship or just moody and boring as fuck. Stop telling me what you think of me because I don’t care! Get a life or do something with it.
  • People that lie about watching porn (haha everyone watches porn dude. (Guys and Girls).
  • People that like something but won’t admit because there worried about what others will think, same goes for guilty pleasures as well. If you like something for any reason then you like it. Simple as! Who cares what those motherfuckers think!
  • Oh and just people that are miserable rude and moody all the time. Seriously brighten the fuck up otherwise you will end up miserable and alone forever. Know one likes that guy.
  • People who try to be funny but aren’t. If your a funny person or have a comedic personality or character you won’t need to try and be funny.

Well there you go just a few examples there, I could go on but I don’t wan’t to sound like I am moaning, which I am not by the way. The types of people I named in the examples above just need to get a grip, get a life and probably need to get laid or need to break up with someone.

So I hope you enjoyed that read and I am sure you will agree with if not all but some of those examples there.

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Okay boys and girls! Go out and have a wicked weekend!

Have fun, be confident, be yourself, and try not to get a STD.






Jamie Jones

Jammy: Creative. Eccentric. Truthful. Honest and a little bit out there.