7 Signs You’re Robocop

Half-man, half-robot, all misunderstood

John DeVore
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020


  1. You were murdered but then brought back to life as a cyborg.
  2. You are the property of Omni Consumer Products.
  3. You are programmed to uphold three ‘prime directives’ which include: 1. “Serve the public trust.” 2. “Protect the innocent.” 3. “Uphold the law.”
  4. Your body is composed of titanium armor laminated with Kevlar.
  5. You have a powerful handgun stored in a mechanical holster hidden inside your right leg.
  6. You don’t feel anything. You feel nothing. Rain, bullets, love. You do not know if that’s because you are a man or a machine or both. And yet, deep down, underneath the gears and circuitry, you are scared. Your wet heart beats slowly, attached to wires. You wonder if you’ll ever be able to punch your way out. Then you remember that you are your shell. You are a machine. You perform a function. You are bought and sold. You are on or you are off. You are awake or you are asleep. And when you are asleep you dream. You dream of being human. Of having emotions. You dream of pushing a door open, and a bell ringing. You are standing at a butcher’s counter. You point to a leg, an elbow, an eyeball. You miss your bones. You dream of being a washing machine who was once a poet. You dream of crying because you cannot cry…



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: https://johndevore.medium.com/subscribe