God, I Want A Cigarette Right Now

I don’t smoke anymore but these are extraordinarily stressful times…

John DeVore
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2020


I have had two thoughts recently. The first is we made it worse. America. The greatest country in the world. We made the pandemic worse, longer, harder than it needed to be. The second thought is god, I want a cigarette right now.

I quit smoking seven years ago and yet I want a cigarette because they are a relatively inexpensive short-term solution to anxiety. Unfortunately, they also cause cancer and emphysema and just destroy your health in general. It’s a scientific fact like wearing masks in public can slow the spread of highly-infectious viruses or human industry is causing the Earth’s climate to change.

Before that, I was a smoker for almost twenty years. A proud pack-a-day nicotine fiend. For two decades I pretended medical facts didn’t apply to me. And, for most of that time, I knew better. I smoked defiantly but the consequences were clear.

The first time I ever really, truly considered quitting smoking I was sucking on a Marlboro Red, which I use to jokingly refer to as the whiskey of cigarettes because of the way it scratched the throat when inhaled.

This was a long time ago.



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: https://johndevore.medium.com/subscribe