Thanos brandishing a weapon on the battlefield with a huge spaceship in the background.
Photo: Marvel Studios

How To Explain Supervillains To Republicans

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz recently compared environmentalists to the MCU’s Thanos on his podcast — oh yeah, he also hosts a podcast

John DeVore
Published in
5 min readFeb 2, 2021


The cohost of The Verdict with Ted Cruz is conservative pundit Michael Knowles, who is more of a head-bobbing sidekick because the star of this podcast, which recently premiered a brand new season, is the junior Senator from Texas himself whose name is in the title.

It was during the most recent episode that Senator Cruz compared environmentalists to Thanos, the main antagonist in the superhero blockbuster Avengers: Endgame. Ted Cruz looks and talks like a supervillain’s lawyer. You’d think he’d understand a comic book baddie like Thanos better. Here’s the quote:

You know, you talked about inevitable. And I have to say, it brought to mind Avengers: Endgame. And, you know, Kerry doesn’t quite have the massive Thanos hands and fingers, but you could see the inevitable and the finger-snapping. And actually what is interesting in Endgame is curious. Have you noticed in how many movies how often rabid environmentalists are the bad guys? Whether it’s Thanos or go to Watchmen. Where the view of the left is people are a disease. They buy into the Malthusian line that there are too many people in the world, that people…



John DeVore

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