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I Have Zero Idea What I’m Writing About When It Comes To Crypto

So please read this essay about cypto

John DeVore
Published in
7 min readFeb 15, 2022


I’m probably wrong about this but crypto is bullshit. Right? I bring this up because my social media feeds are full of gurus and life coaches and hustle prophets posting about crypto and NFTs and Bitcoin. That word is everywhere. Crypto crypto crypto.

What is crypto? Nobody knows. It’s a mystery.

There are celebrities on TV selling crypto, and I’ll bet none of them can explain it. My mom asked me to explain crypto the other day and I was like “Mom, they’re like raffle tickets only invisible?” That’s the best I could do. Yes, I failed my mom. Get ready, I’m going to fail you, too.

I am not qualified to write about crypto. But I’m going to anyway because that has never stopped me from sharing my most superficial, fear-based opinions. Here’s one: crypto is one of those things that seems cool but will probably ruin your life, like cigarettes or taking out a student loan.

No one is asking me my advice on crypto, true. I can read your mind. But just in case you do want my advice, I think you should point and scream at anyone who talks about crypto but also maybe you should sink your entire savings into crypto? Those are both right? It’s a Schrodinger’s cat thing? Crypto is…



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: