‘The Gentlemen’ Is A Safe Space For Men

Guy Ritchie’s new movie is for dudes who want to pretend the last 25 years didn’t happen

John DeVore
Published in
6 min readJan 24, 2020


I could argue that men don’t need a safe space because all of human civilization is a safe space for men. Heterosexual cisgender men are still firmly in charge. Unless there’s been a sudden and historic shift in power? Did something happen during my nap? Have women suddenly taken over Wall Street?

Men are in no danger of being run into the sea. A woman calling out a man for being sexist on social media is not a purge. Being forced to take responsibility for the words that fall out of your mouth is not oppression. My point is: men are safe.

There is a counterpoint, of course, and this is it: poor men we don’t get to walk around the world our grandfathers built with our genitals hanging out of our open zippers.

You see, there are men who feel unsafe. Some men should feel unsafe, preferably behind bars. But there are men, many of whom have podcasts, who feel as if they’re being persecuted. They are threatened by new social rules that demand men not blurt out the first things that pop into their minds.

Who could possibly be offended by a request to be more thoughtful and considerate of others? Well, the answer is men. Men should be…



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: https://johndevore.medium.com/subscribe