Photo: Paramount Pictures

Movies That Are Easy On The Brain: ‘The Core’

A movie about a ragtag team of scientists drilling to the center of the Earth? Yes, please

John DeVore
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2020


There are days when I want my intellect to be challenged, and there are days when I want to unscrew my head like it’s a pickle jar, gently remove my wet brain, rest it on my lap, and watch a movie that doesn’t require any cognitive abilities.

Some movies wrestle with the complexities of the human experience. And then there‘s The Core.

The Core is a 2003 sci-fi disaster movie about a ragtag team of scientists who drill to the center of the Earth because the molten center of the planet has stopped spinning. This is bad. The plan is all-American: Nuke the core until it starts spinning again.

It is not a movie that demands great reserves of concentration which is perfect because I’ve been having problems focusing lately. There’s something about the collapse of society that makes my head feel like it’s full of cotton candy.

So I’ve been re-watching movies that aren’t good, bad, or so-bad-they’re-good. I’ve been returning to movies that are like sweatpants or pouring syrup slowly over a couple of toasted Eggos. Movies that don’t care if I drool.



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: