A photo of controversial actor Mel Gibson pointing a gun acting in a scene from the new movie ‘Force of Nature.’
Photo: Lionsgate

R.I.P. Mel Gibson

The controversial actor stars in a new low-budget movie that is both offensive and boring

John DeVore
Published in
7 min readJul 2, 2020


I watched the new, low-budget direct-to-video action movie Force of Nature so you don’t have to. That’s called “service journalism.”

Force of Nature is about a pair of San Juan cops who take on thieves looking for $55 million hidden inside a building evacuated because of Hurricane Maria. I know that’s a lot to unpack but wait, there’s more: the movie features Kate Bosworth, who is a pretty good actor. She was especially memorable as Lois Lane in Superman Returns. She co-stars with Emile Hirsch, who starred in Speed Racer, which is the Wachowski sisters’ third best movie after the original Matrix and Jupiter Ascending.

Oh, Force of Nature also stars 64-year-old Mel Gibson, a celebrity who has been “canceled” multiple times for reportedly making antisemitic and sexist remarks, including a recent accusation from Winona Ryder that Gibson once asked her if she was an “oven dodger,” which was an offensive reference to the Holocaust.

Gibson is sort of a pioneer of famous people with a reputation for saying fucked up things. In 2006 he accused Jews of being responsible for all world wars, among other antisemitic rants, to police officers during a DUI arrest. There are also the leaked voicemails he…



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: https://johndevore.medium.com/subscribe