Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

There Are Two Definitions Of ‘Crazy,’ One For Men And One For Women

Free Britney. Seriously.


I never really cared about Britney Spears but I do now. To be fair, I’m certain Spears has never cared about me, either. This is probably because she doesn’t know who I am, and why would she? I’m not an icon. But it is embarrassing that I am suddenly full of concern. The woman has been done wrong for so long but better late than never?

I am so often proud of my own personal growth but maybe I shouldn’t be. The long way isn’t always the best. I should have cared sooner but here I am. For years, she was bullied in the public square. Her fans were mocked. I may not have made fun of them but I didn’t stand up for them so I’m guilty, too. I should have cared about injustice, even if it was happening to someone rich and famous.

Britney Spears is currently fighting for her freedom in open court trying to end the medieval ‘conservatorship ‘ that has gone on for 13 years. During that time, her father, Jamie Spears, has essentially run his daughter’s entire life and empire, a malevolent sort of Geppeto pulling his daughter’s strings.

In front of a judge, the popular 39-year-old entertainer revealed a nightmare existence where she’s basically a slave, forced to take Lithium, prohibited from seeing friends, and forbidden from…



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: