Art: Matt Cokeley

Why Men Disappear

They come on strong and then — suddenly — they’re gone

John DeVore
Published in
6 min readJul 26, 2019


You have been tricked. The internet is one giant bait-and-switch scheme. I know the headline reads “Why Men Disappear,” but I’m afraid I don’t really know why men disappear. Why they bail, ghost or vanish when you want them, need them, the most. I don’t know why men go POOF! when things get serious, or intimate, or neither of those options.

So, yes, you’ve been tricked but I thought I’d be honest, for a change. I don’t know why men disappear. I know that human beings fail other human beings constantly. Right now, as I write this, there is a person out there in the world abandoning another person who loves them.

I struggle with speaking for all men because it’s not like the patriarchy held a conclave and elected me Man Pope. But I can speak for myself, someone who identifies as a man and was assigned male at birth. I can try to answer the question as to why I use to disappear. Why I didn’t call, or show up when I said I would. I can try to explain why I left without saying goodbye or didn’t show up to the memorial. That last one is hard because I still haven’t found a way to let her go. I feel ashamed for all the times I could have been brave but wasn’t.

Maybe the question shouldn’t be, “Why do men disappear?” I think, perhaps, it should be “Where…



John DeVore

I created Humungus, a blog about pop culture, politics, and feelings. Support the madness: