Unleashing the Power of Decentralized Social Tokens: The Hundrx Incentivized Testnet

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5 min readMay 22, 2023
Hundrx Incentivized Testnet. Earn for minting social tokens.

Hello, fellow thinkers and innovators! Today, we want to bring your attention to a groundbreaking development in the realm of decentralized social tokens. It’s a project that promises to reshape the way we engage with digital communities and unlock new opportunities for creators and users alike. We are, of course, referring to the Hundrx Incentivized Testnet.

The Hundrx Testnet represents a pivotal stage in the ongoing development of the Hundrx ecosystem. It is an environment carefully crafted to stress-test and refine various crucial components of the platform, including the process of permissionless tokenization of Twitter accounts. By immersing ourselves in this testing phase, we embark on a journey to bolster the robustness and reliability of the Hundrx platform, ensuring an unparalleled user experience upon its mainnet launch.

Let’s delve into the key objectives driving this campaign, as they lay the foundation for the success and impact of this remarkable endeavor.

Objective 1: Stress-testing the On-chain Functionality

First and foremost, we aim to conduct rigorous stress-tests on the on-chain functionality of the system, with a particular focus on token minting and trading processes. By subjecting these critical components to demanding scenarios, we can identify any potential bottlenecks or vulnerabilities, allowing us to fortify the platform’s infrastructure. This ensures a solid foundation upon which the Hundrx ecosystem can flourish.

Objective 2: User Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Another vital objective is to encourage users to provide valuable feedback. This feedback loop is invaluable in identifying bugs, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. By actively engaging with the community and listening to their insights, we can refine the system and ensure a seamless user experience. After all, the success of any platform lies in its ability to address the needs and aspirations of its users.

Objective 3: Community Consensus on Social Token Minting Ratio

Lastly, but certainly not least, is the crucial objective of reaching a consensus on the social token minting ratio. This ratio is essential for ensuring the sustainable scalability of the ecosystem. By engaging the community in the decision-making process, we foster inclusivity and align the platform’s growth with the collective goals of its users. This democratic approach ensures that the Hundrx ecosystem evolves in a way that benefits everyone involved.

Now, let’s talk about the rewards awaiting those who actively participate in the Hundrx Testnet campaign. Brace yourselves, as this is where things get truly exciting.

As an incentive for active participation, participants in the Hundrx Testnet campaign have the thrilling opportunity to reap substantial rewards. Every testnet token generated through the process of minting and trading social tokens can be matched to mainnet tokens at an enticing ratio of 1:1. In simpler terms, your efforts in the testnet ecosystem can be converted into tangible rewards on the mainnet. It’s a remarkable chance to get ahead and be part of the early adopters who reap the benefits of their involvement.

Expected Results of the Testnet Campaign

With incentivization, we aim to reach a total of 100'000 users, distributing 10 million DRX from Hundrx Growth-Hack Community Fund. A whopping 0.35% of the total DRX supply add on to the 1% of DRX supply we are distributing as rewards through our #Tweet2Mine initiative.

However, it’s important to note that the integrity and fairness of the reward system are of utmost importance. The founders of Hundrx reserve the right to cancel reward withdrawals if participants engage in abusive practices that undermine the purpose of the testing phase. This ensures that the process remains fair and transparent for all participants.

So, how does one join this transformative movement? Allow us to guide you through the process.

Step 1: Install the Chrome Browser Extension

To kickstart your journey, you need to install the Hundrx Extension on your Google Chrome, Brave, or Opera browser. Head to the Chrome Web Store, search for the extension, and click on the “Add to Chrome” button or follow the link below. Confirm the installation, and voila! You’re ready for the next step.

Step 2: Embrace the Web3 Layer on Twitter

How to enable Hundrx functionality?

With the Hundrx Extension in place, open a new tab in your Chrome browser and visit Twitter.com. You’ll notice the familiar Twitter interface, but with an added layer of Web3 magic. Keep an eye out for new elements or changes on the interface, such as the Social tokens menu on the left. Explore Twitter as you usually would and immerse yourself in this new era of decentralized social tokens.

Step 3: Connect Metamask and Start Tokenizing Profiles

How to Claim Free Airdrop tokens from Hundrx?

To fully embrace the Hundrx ecosystem, connect your Metamask wallet and start tokenizing profiles. Access the Hundrx Faucet in the wallet section and claim your allocated 100 testnet DRX tokens. These tokens will be your currency to explore and engage with the various features of the Hundrx ecosystem. Once you have your tokens, you can mint social tokens by visiting different users on Twitter and utilizing the platform’s tokenize handle button. Follow the instructions, provide the necessary details, and complete the tokenization process for each user.

How to tokenize Twitter handles?

After minting social tokens, you’ll receive a generated Tweet related to the activity. Accept the generated Tweet as it is, without making any changes. Post it on your own Twitter account to showcase the minted social tokens and their associated profiles. This way, you become an active contributor to the growing decentralized social token landscape.

To truly engage with the community, find trending tweets and use the ChatGPT reply function to craft and post replies. This feature enables you to contribute to discussions, drive meaningful conversations, and leverage the power of ChatGPT to make your voice heard.

How to use ChatGPT and generate DRX from Tweet2Mine Campaign.

Let your actions pave the way for a more inclusive, transparent, and empowering digital landscape. Your contributions matter, and together, we can unlock the full potential of decentralized social tokens. Make sure to follow Hundrx on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord for more information about this revolutionary product.

Join Hundrx community: Website | Twitter | Discord | Linkedin | Telegram

Upgrade Twitter to Web3



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Building the world's first browser extension for Twitter profile tokenization!