Ramblings on Photography

Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2023

Rediscovering the Essence Beyond the Gear

Man sitting on a bench


Photography is a captivating art form that allows us to capture and immortalize moments, emotions, and perspectives. As photographers, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and constant exploration. In this blog, I reflect upon my own experiences and musings as I navigate the crossroads of my photography journey, contemplating the role of gear, the allure of mobile photography, and the balance between technicality and creativity.

Early morning cycling

Beyond the Gear

I’ve been taking photography as a hobby seriously for 6 months now, and I’ve reached a crossroads in my photography journey. I’ve become a gear hoarder, buying so many cameras and lenses in the last few months. However, I have reached a realization that photography is not solely about the gear we possess. It transcends the physical tools and hinges upon our ability to observe, interpret, and capture the essence of a scene. It is the vision behind the lens that truly matters.

people resting beside the street

Capturing the Moment

Lately, I have found myself increasingly drawn to capturing images with my mobile phone. Its accessibility and portability have allowed me to seize fleeting moments without the encumbrance of carrying bulky equipment. This shift has made me ponder the significance of convenience in photography. Perhaps, it is a reminder that artistic expression can thrive in any form or medium, as long as we remain attuned to the world around us.

old man taking his ware

Finding Balance: Technicality vs. Creativity

I have always enjoyed exploring the intricacies of my camera and experimenting with various settings. However, I have noticed a recent inclination towards using auto mode, relinquishing some of the technical control. This internal debate between technicality and creativity has left me contemplating the essence of the art form. While auto mode grants freedom from technical concerns, manual mode offers a canvas for more nuanced expression. Striking a balance between these approaches is a personal journey, as we strive to capture the world through our unique artistic lens.

Embracing the Unknown

While uncertainties loom on the horizon of my photography journey, I have come to appreciate the beauty of exploration and experimentation. By delving into diverse genres and styles, I open myself to new perspectives and possibilities. Each photograph becomes a stepping stone towards honing my skills and deepening my understanding of the world around me. It is through this process of continuous shooting that growth flourishes.

Man cycling into the sun


Photography is a voyage of self-discovery, a constant quest to refine our craft and capture the essence of life. As I reflect on my own ramblings, I realize that the heart of photography lies not in the gear we possess, but in our ability to truly see and interpret the world. Whether we choose traditional cameras or embrace mobile photography, or opt for technical precision or unbridled creativity, what matters most is our passion for capturing moments and sharing our unique perspective with the world. So, let us continue to embrace the unknown, explore new paths, and keep shooting to unlock the infinite potential of our photography journey.

Follow me in Medium and Instagram to follow my photographic journey

Instagram (Hungrulu): https://www.instagram.com/hungrulu/




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