Flourless Banana Pancakes

Mo Ortega
Hungry Diety
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2018

I love sweet breakfast! I love pancakes and waffles slathered in butter and drenched in syrup! Lately my body has become picky and sweeet breakfast no longer loves me. Sad face. Inflammation sets into my entire body.

I’m learning to respect my body and love myself through avoiding foods that cause me to physically feel unwell. Now I’m eating with my bodies approval versus being controlled by my cravings or with my eyes. At times, its a challenge and it requires control over my sugar cravings which are connected to my emotions because well….I’m an emotional eater.

I replaced syrup, waffles, french toast and pancakes with alternatives like Paleo Pancakes that are flourless. I top them with my favorite organic whole foods that address what my bodies needs to feel well. It allows me a sweet breakfast indulgence without hurting my body.

This blog post contains affiliate links that are minimal but present because who doesn’t want to know where to buy ingredients? Also, it helps to support my love for coming up with this stuff, so I can blog for you. Click on the pictures for link.

I found this mix which I prefer much better than my homemade pancakes. They do not stay fluffy like flour pancakes but are perfect for rolling up fillings and basically making a pancake taco.

These taste like the real deal and satisfy that breakfast sugar craving. They have a slight banana taste, so they work well with fruit and nut butters. Leave the butter and syrup off of these, they don’t need them.

I use a spray coconut oil to lightly coat a cast iron pan. Then I pour the mixture into slightly larger than dollar sized pancakes. I shape it into a round. You can add more liquid to batter to make a thinner crepe like pancake.

I cook these slow and on low heat. Recently, I thought about adding other ingredients to the batter. I haven’t tried it yet but I image that shredded carrots & nuts would be amazing.

The fillings that I smear on my pancakes are all about texture and purpose. I use avocado instead of butter. Avocado has a buttery consistency but a completely different nutritional value. I think about the nutritional value of whatever I eat but especially if I’m craving sweets because it’s something that I can over indulge in.

My Flavor Combinations With a Purpose

I mix peanut butter, cacao and honey and roll it up in a banana pancake.
  • Organic Peanut Butter is high in fat content but is full of protein, Vitamin E, fiber and minerals. It helps me curb my sweet cravings. Research says it decreases your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Raw Cacao is an anti-depressant. It is full of magnesium which is good for brain health. It has 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries which means its great for ant-aging.
  • Raw Honey helps digestive issues. It soothes inflammation in the belly and a sore throat. It is also full of antioxidants.
I mash this up and spread it on my banana pancakes then top it with strawberries.
  • Avocado has vitamin B,C and E. Its loaded with good fat and fiber. Its said to help inflammation in the joints and help you lose weight.
I top fresh yogurt fruit and roll it up in my banana pancakes.
  • Coconut Yogurt is great for gut health and fiber. Its full of probiotics which helps with healthy digestion.

My Other Favorite Ingredients I Add:

  • Unsweetened Carob Chips replace sweetened chocolate chips. It helps digestion and appetite control. It is very good for lung health and improves lung capacity.
  • Fresh Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C and folic acid. They freshen your breath and just taste yummy. They are a good source of fiber.
  • Blueberries are amazing brain food and improve cognitive thinking. It is good for diabetes and weight loss.
  • Raw Pumpkin Seeds are a great source of fiber and prevent constipation. They are nutrient dense with 9 grams protein. They are good for both the liver and the heart. They kill intestinal parasites.

Zero Waste Tip: wash and reuse pancake bag.



Mo Ortega
Hungry Diety

Over 20 years of medical massage and skin care expertise!