How to bring Ideas to Life

Jay Jaboneta
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2018

An Interview with Beyond Code author Rajesh Setty

Rajesh is one interesting man. At age thirteen, he has written his first novel. And has published quite a few before he turned 20.

He has worked in India, Malaysia and now in Silicon Valley.

His mission is exceptional, he doesn’t just want to bring good ideas to life, he wants to bring them to life with LOVE.

What a mission! Don’t YOU think? Join in on our conversations below.

Tell us more about your mission, how does one bring good ideas to life?

I love to bring good ideas to life and want to do it with love. In simple terms, an idea is a promise and most ideas fail because the “capacity to fulfill that promise” does not exist. So, in most cases, my quest is in building relationships that will add capacity to the people that are pursuing that idea. No idea has failed because there is an “over-capacity.”

The gap is never in the dreams. It is always in the ability to pursue those dreams.

What I want to do with love is to help plug these gaps that exist in making an idea into a reality.

Tell us your criteria for a good idea.

There are many flavors of “good” ideas starting with those that make someone’s life better (eg: gift of education) to making everyone’s life better (eg: electricity, pencillin)

A good idea is one makes a significant positive impact to those who are touched by it — the ones who are executing it, the ones who are supporting it and ones who benefit from the idea coming to life.

How does it feel to have a book published by the age of thirteen?

At thirteen, it was special mostly because of what I had to go through to get that published. One might think that it was a struggle for more than three years but in reality it was more like those Russian nested dolls (set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside the other.)

(photo credit for Matrioska eyes picture goes to Zeta at

I kept discovering new things and kept wondering what else would be there in the next stage.

Being young helped too because I didn’t know when to give up at that time.

What’s the best way to spread an idea?

The lowest cost way is to make the idea spread-worthy.

If it is worth spreading, people will spread it.

What’s the role of failure in your life?

I think either you succeed or you LEARN.

If success is on one face of the coin, failure (learning) is on the other side.

How has Tom Peters changed your thinking?

I have been a huge fan of Tom Peters for a very long time. If there is ONE thing that I admired most, it is his PASSION for the topics that he chooses to write or talk about. You might agree or disagree with him but nobody can question his passion for that topic.

If your are given the opportunity to meet with Warren Buffett for one hour, what would be your top 3 questions?

My questions would be:

* What are some questions he wished somebody asked him (and what his answers to those would be)?

* What made him who he is?

* If he were starting today, knowing what he knows, how would he approach his life and business?

Who are your personal heroes? Why?

My teachers throughout my life for giving me the gift of knowledge and creating an yearning for more knowledge.

What are YOU hungry for?

The right questions I should be asking myself and the people that work with me. Because of the age we are in, once we know the questions, it’s easy to find the answers. I am blessed with teachers around me who keep asking me the right questions. So I thank GOD for that.

You seem to have achieved it all, what’s next for a Rajesh Setty?

Far from it, I think I am just starting. I don’t think too far ahead and enjoy working on my current projects.

My theory is that if I give 110% to TODAY, tomorrow will be taken care of.

About Rajesh Setty

Entrepreneur, Author & Speaker

Rajesh’s mission in life is to bring good ideas to life. With love!

Rajesh is involved in a few companies in some combination as a founder, operating executive, board member and/or an investor. Apart from that, he has written a few books and is working on a number of them. His first book was published at the age of thirteen. While he is not building companies or writing, he enjoys speaking at conferences and company events.




