About Me

Jimmy Hung
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2016

Hi, I’m Yu-Hsin Hung. I just started working at MediaTek as an engineer in modem platform and system service team. I also had software engineering intern experience at Gogolook in the past few years, and developed one of the most popular caller identification app, Whoscall for Windows Phone.

Email: hungys [at] hotmail [dot] com


National Chiao Tung University (2015–2017)

  • M.S., Computer Science and Engineering
  • Security and Systems Laboratory
  • Thesis: Decoupling Information Flow Tracking with Taint Semantics Extraction and Replay

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2015)

  • Exchange Student, Computer Science

National Chiao Tung University (2011–2015)

  • B.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Senior Project: Implement Distributed Routing Protocol on OpenFlow Network


MediaTek Inc. (Jan 2018 — Present)

  • Engineer, Wireless Communication Software Development Division
  • Modem platform & system service

MediaTek Inc. (Jul 2015 — Aug 2015)

  • Intern, Computing Platform Technology Division
  • Participated in project for optimizing IoT platform and built prototype with IoTivity framework

Gogolook Co., Ltd. (Jan 2014 — Jan 2015)

  • Mobile Engineer Intern
  • Developed Whoscall for Windows Phone, which was available in 9 countries, achieved Top 3 in Taiwan, 6500+ reviews, and 4.5+ star rating.

Microsoft Taiwan (Jul 2012 — Jun 2013)

  • Student Partners
  • Held lectures and workshops to demonstrate the latest Microsoft technologies

Skills and Interests

  • Write code mainly in C, C++, Python and Go now.
  • Former C# and XAML developer, developing Windows Phone app.
  • Use Flask and MySQL for building backend API. Also love other web frameworks including Django, Echo and Beego.
  • Love photography. Check my galley on Flickr.

If you would like to learn about me more, please visit my LinkedIn or download resume here.

