The Rebirth of Hunny

Hunny Finance
Hunny Finance
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Dear Hunny Community,

Firstly, the entire Hunny team wishes to thank everyone for their continuous support for the past 5 months. It is indeed unfortunate that we have been exploited, and everyone took a hit. But this also serves as an opportunity for Hunny to Rebrand, Reorganize and Restructure — “The Rebirth of Hunny”.


We have been reviewing our entire ecosystem, crunching numbers, and doing projections since the unfortunate event. Moving forward, we are implementing a major change to our tokenomics, limiting the total supply of $HUNNY to 100 Million. We are currently sitting at a 44 Million supply with 2 Million $HUNNY burned. Our minter will be turned off once our supply hits 100 Million and burning will continue.

At this juncture, with our utilities in place, Hunny is already self-sustaining and will continue to be more profitable, therefore Hunny is able to sustain its entire ecosystem even after the supply is fully minted, the income from various sources of revenue will be used to Hunny ecosystem healthy and sustainable. The revenue will come from the developments as below:

  • Hunny Farms
  • HunnyPlay
  • HunnyPoker
  • Sales of NFTs
  • NFT MarketPlace
  • NFT Staking Vault
  • Hunny P2E Game
  • Fees earned from providing liquidity

With a total supply of $HUNNY capped and continued burning, $HUNNY will be scarce, and it will directly impact $HUNNY price growth.


We will implement multi-chain capability to provide cross-chain farming. This development will allow users with tokens from other chains to bridge over and farm in Hunny across various networks, also allowing $HUNNY swaps across different chains, this will aid in our TVL growth and further improve our farms’ buyback and burn.


With HunnyPlay growing steadily and being one of our revenue contributors, an expansion in our offerings will aid in sustaining the Hunny Ecosystem. Here are some upcoming improvements you should be expecting.

Multi Chain Expansion

  • OKEx Chain (November)
  • FTM Network (November)
  • Solana Network (December)

We strive to be the first iGaming platform on the chain/network above to allow further adoption for HunnyPlay, we are expecting this move to generate more revenue.

Hunny NFT and Marketplace’s Expansion

Hunny Marketplace aims to be a central trading ground for all NFT lovers, with the upcoming expansion of our NFT marketplace, NFT owners will be able to Buy, Sell, Auction, and Mint their own NFTs, and of course, the sale of our very own HunnyBunnies NFT.

NFT staking vaults and Poker Table NFTs are in the final stages of development and will be launching very soon. Staking NFT owners can stake their NFTs and receive $HUNNY, $BNB, and $CAKE as rewards. Whereas Poker Table NFTs owners will be able to earn the profits of the rake from poker tables. More details will be revealed soon.

New Version of HunnyPoker

HunnyPoker V2.0 release will start with Hunny tokens and it will extend to support multi-chain capability. Integrating HunnyPoker into HunnyPlay to allow seamless gameplay for users. It will also be the first on-chain poker application that supports popular chains such as BSC, FTM, SOL, and more.

P2E Games

We are also in the midst of developing our P2E game that is highly anticipated, a game where users can battle each other, own NFTs in-game, and earn even more profits. Everyone will want to own a HunnyBattle NFT.

Moving Forward: The New Face of Hunny

We will also take this opportunity to rebrand ourselves. We have been receiving feedback from the community to remove “Pancake“ from our name. moving forward we will rebrand ourselves as “Hunny” instead of “PancakeHunny”. We will be changing our website domain and listing on coin tracking sites to “Hunny” moving forward. Implementation will take a few days to weeks for the complete rebranding to take place.

Keep Hodling, this is just the beginning.

#UpgradingToServeYouBetter #NHNM #NoHunnyNoMoney #Hunny #HunnyPlay

About Hunny

🍯 Hunny aims to be the most engaging and fun DeFi destination built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). On top of that, we are developing a brand new and unprecedented gamified farming playground ♠️♥️♣️♦️🎰🎲 where every user can enjoy high yields and exciting games at the same time.

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Hunny Finance
Hunny Finance

Hunny — Enhance and Optimise your Defi yield farm for Binance Smart Chan (BSC). Website: