Buy the Fisherman, Not the Fish

And Eat for a Lifetime


With the spread of knowledge and education around food, by way of the internet and television, there is a newer class of consumers who know the difference between the crap you could be selling and the quality you should be selling. As a brand who prides itself on the sourcing and quality of its’ product, Drifters Fish focuses the messaging and imagery in their UX on the origin of the product rather than the product itself.

Homepage Above the Fold

Follow the Story

The rolling video at the top of the page takes centerstage. Surrounded by a ton of white space and menu links in a light gray that fades them into the background. The video sets the scene for the story of the brand.

The video shows zero shots of the product. Instead they focus on the environment of the Copper river, the lifestyle of the fishermen, and in particular, Michael and Nelly Hand who are your guides to the product. Trust is built in the product by knowing the name and face of the cultivators of what you’ll be eating. In essence, if I can know and trust you, I can know and trust your product.

The blue of the logo and the opening message joined with the video, show the path of the story. We learn the name of the brand, the people behind it, and their mission to handpick the best product and deliver it to you. As an introduction to the brand they do a wonderful job of clearly telling the story right away.

First Product Shot
Second Product Shot

The Product, From Our Hands to Yours

The next sections before we hit the footer of the homepage give us our first look at the product itself. They take great care to assure that the photography shows the product in the hands of the fishermen. Once again establishing that connection between the product and the producer. The assumption is that the salmon will be great because their skilled fishermen choose only the best product for you.

We’re now hit with our “Shop” button in the context of the storytelling. (There’s one at the top of the page for quick and easy access.) In context we’re only asked to shop after we’ve established the reason why you should buy. You’ve been introduced to the producer, why and how they produce and the pure product itself. Now you’ve been primed to make a solid decision to explore the product further.

Story as Product

Using personal storytelling through the interface, Drifters Fish puts themselves in the business of selling their story. We’re left with an experience in product design where we’re selling a story first and a product second. Salmon you can find any and everywhere, but Michael and Nelly Hand are one of a kind. is a platform that works to elevate black design through education and inspiration — follow us on instagram — and pinterest — and facebook.

