How emotional Abuse can Escalate Quickly to Physical.

Adrienne Lovett
Huntington Disease Warrior Adrienne
3 min readJun 9, 2019

I want to say how blessed I was to have Jean Crowe Advocacy Center reply to me instantly today and them giving me the courage to trust in Metropolitan Nashville Police Department that they would assist after a domestic violence assault. It started with emotional and financial abuse

and I’ve in confidence told my godmother that I feel like this is going to get worst. It felt all too familiar with what I went through in my last abusive relationship. I’ll be the first to admit I was hesitant to go through with pressing charges because I haven’t had very good experiences in TN with protection or assistance with past incidents. However, officer John Frazier restored my faith in humanity and good people and officers. He went above and beyond. We had a backup plan in place. He assisted me with my walker. I was even told that he was actively looking for my husband. Which, the advocate said most cops never do that. He was born to be a cop and he’s serving the lord as he sees fit by helping and possibly saving our community. I called and spoke with his supervisor and he said that he would be an a honor (I think) in his file. My husband was charged with Domestic assault and bodily injury. I was also granted immediately a temporary order of protection. He always told me to leave and that my name wasn’t on the title. Per, the op he has to leave and pay spousal support. I fell horrible in waves. Worried he will lose his job and the such, but I can’t allow myself to be treated like that as I can’t defend myself and I can’t allow my son to think that’s how you treat another human. I’m filing for divorce and I will miss our friends, but caregiver burnout without wanting help is something I can’t be subjected too any longer. I share this for anyone who maybe in the same situation and also to say that without the jean Crowe Advocacy center, Hermitage metro precinct, officer Frazier, and night court my life could be going down a much different road. I’m not a victim. But a survivor. I’m not ashamed, but just another bump in the road. God bless everyone!

