Team Kicks Off Resiliency Work with Tours of the Study Area

Hunts Point Resiliency
2 min readAug 18, 2016
The boat tour gave us a unique vantage point to assess flood risks.

In July, the Hunts Point Resiliency project team kicked off their existing conditions analysis with tours of the peninsula. The site visit helped the team gain a better understanding of Hunts Point’s existing vulnerabilities to energy outages and coastal flooding. We learned about the energy needs to keep the food refrigerated and the markets running, identified areas at greatest risk of flooding, and examined shoreline conditions along the Bronx and East Rivers from a boat.

HDR and The Point observe shoreline conditions from the boat.
A youth summer program takes a field trip to Swale, an urban garden atop a floating barge that will be on the Bronx River at Concrete Plant Park this summer.
Nick Hill, the Operations Manager of the Meat Market, shows us underground energy infrastructure that is vulnerable to flooding.
Educational signage at Hunts Point Landing provides information about coastal resiliency.
The rooftop of Dairyland/Chef’s Warehouse offers a great view of the Hunts Point Food Distribution Center.
New Fulton Fish Market Manager George Maroulis and NFFM Coop President Richie Klein walk us through the Fish Market.
Produce Market (title) Ralph Ferrara describes the energy needs of the Produce Market.

We look forward to sharing the full assessment of the vulnerabilities and existing conditions of Hunts Point in the fall. Sign up here to receive updates on our progress.



Hunts Point Resiliency

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