How to Earn Extra Money Through Huobi Futures’ Upgraded Rebate Program?

Huobi Futures
Huobi Futures
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2021

The Huobi Futures Rebate Program (HFRP) has always been a “win-win” for the industry, boosting the development of DeFi and accelerating the adoption of digital finance while also rewarding users who contribute to growth. To share the runaway success with the cryptocurrency community and to contribute towards growth across the ecosystem, we have made our “Invite Friends” partnership program even more lucrative than before with a transaction fee rebate increased to 60%.

All About the Transaction Fee Rebate Offer

1. Easy Application

If you are interested in our upgraded program, just apply via the registration form in just a few clicks and only a few moments of worthwhile time spent.

2. Simple Rules

At the moment you receive approval, you can begin leveraging the transaction fee rebate you get from your invitees. The rebate is currently applied to coin-margined futures, coin-margined swaps and USDT-margined swaps. One thing you need to note is that the rebates are generated from each invitee’s net transaction fees. More invitees would result in a larger revenue stream. Three levels are offered for one year, two years, and permanent. Levels reached depend on the number of invitees with active trading accounts, and accumulative trading volume.

3. Low Threshold

From the above chart we can find the threshold is min. 10 invitees with three-month trading volume reaching $1,200,000. Assume you just have 10 invitees, then the average trading volume for each invitee per month is $40,000, meaning the actual position opening amount is only $20,000. Take 20x leverage as an example, the margin required is $1000. If the leverage is higher, the margin needed can be lower to $100, which is very easy for some traders.

Use Case

One of our user Benjamin is an editor who has some followers in the crypto space. He joined our program on March this year and has 29 invitees now. Yesterday he shared how he got more than $500 extra earnings from HBRP on his personal blog.

All his 29 invitees have their interested products. Some prefer coin-margined futures while some like USDT-margined swaps trading. So he calculated the total volume of different derivative types and checked the records of their transaction fee structures. The total trading volume of 29 invitees are $4,000,000, and the details for each type are as below:

Then how much rebate he got from each contract type?

  1. The common and lowest fee rates of each product;

2. Calculation. (The formula for maker & taker rebates calculation are the same for each type)

a. Coin-margined futures

Step 1: Calculate rebates generated from Maker fees.

Step 2: Calculate rebates generated from Taker fees.

So the total rebates from coin-margined futures trading of the invitees is $54 + $1.875 =$55.875, and the rebate ratio is 55.875 /100=56%.

b. Coin-margined Swaps

Step 1: Calculate rebates generated from Maker fees.

Step 2: Calculate rebates generated from Taker fees.

So the total rebates from coin-margined swaps trading of the invitees is $342 + $6 =$348, and the rebate ratio is 348 /405=77%.

c. USDT-margined Swaps

Step 1: Calculate rebates generated from Maker fees.

Step 2: Calculate rebates generated from Taker fees.

So the total rebates from USDT-margined swaps trading of the invitees is $105.75 + $2.7 =$108.45 and the rebate ratio is 108.45 /170=64%.

3) Result: he got extra $512 ($55.875+$348+$108.45) with just a few clicks for program application!

Why Choose Huobi Futures?

It’s very clear that everyone who join this program want to get the maximum benefits he/she can get. Joining Huobi Futures Rebate Program means that you and your invitees could enjoy the best service here:

1. High trading volume: Huobi is the largest derivatives platform recording over $2.3 trillion in futures over the course of 2020 — averaging $6.3 billion daily volumes. The platform has a wealth of DeFi products to choose from.

2. Robust risk control and zero clawback: Huobi Futures supports a three-phase liquidation protection mechanism with no transaction fees charged in partial liquidation. The platform holds a record of zero clawback since its launch in December of 2018.

3. Multiple user-friendly functions: To improve the asset utilization and to reduce and trading cost, Huobi introduced lots of innovative features like locked margin mechanism, take-profit and stop-loss, real-time settlement, Follow a Maker & Taker, etc.

Now it’s your time: Click the application form and join us! For more information regarding the program, please click to check the announcement.

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Huobi Futures
Huobi Futures

A Leading Digital Asset Derivatives Exchange under Huobi Group