Huobi Cryptocurrency Market Sentiment Report (July 2018)

HTX Research
HTX Research
Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2018

All data in this report is captured and analyzed by Huobi Research; please cite the source “Huobi Cryptocurrency Market Sentiment Report” for reference.


The monthly market sentiment index in July came to 75.6 points, increased 8.8% from the previous month; the short-term sentiment index was 67.4 points, increased 15.1% from the previous month; the medium-term sentiment index was 78.7 points, increased 8.0% from the previous month; the long-term sentiment index was 88.8 points, increased 1.4% from the previous month.

Huobi’s Market Sentiment Index score ranges from 0–100, with 50 points representing neutral sentiment.

A total of 891 valid questionnaires were collected this month. The questionnaires were distributed from July 29th to July 31st through domestic and overseas channels such as WeChat public account, twitter, and telegram communities. Cryptocurrency investors from 23 Countries participated in this survey, including China, United States, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore.

Response and Analysis

Survey Result

Question 1: How do you expect the total cryptocurrency market capitalization to change in the coming month?

  • Increase Substantially (>30%)
  • Increase Slightly (10~30%)
  • Remain the same (Within±10%)
  • Decrease Slightly (-30~-10%)
  • Decrease Substantially (<-30%)
Short Term (1 Month) Investor Expectations

The short-term bullish sentiment among cryptocurrency investors was higher than that of the previous month. The proportion of investors who were bullish toward the short-term market performance increased 15.05% to 66.89% this month. 40.85% of the investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to increase slightly in the next month, 16.07% more than the previous month. 16.49% of the investors were bearish toward the market performance in the coming month.

Question 2: How do you expect the total cryptocurrency market capitalization to change in the coming 6 months?

  • Increase Substantially (>30%)
  • Increase Slightly (10~30%)
  • Remain the same (Within±10%)
  • Decrease Slightly (-30~-10%)
  • Decrease Substantially (<-30%)
Mid Term (6 Months) Investor Expectations

Most Cryptocurrency investors were bullish toward the market performance in the coming six months, with 49.61% of investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to increase substantially. Comparing to the previous month, more investors believed the market will increase slightly in the coming six months. 81.26% of the investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to increase in the next six months. 31.65% of the investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to increase slightly, 5.64% more than that of the previous month. 10.88% of the investors were bearish toward the Cryptocurrency market performance in the coming six months.

Question 3: How do you expect the total cryptocurrency market capitalization to change in the next 3 years?

  • Increase Substantially (>30%)
  • Increase Slightly (10~30%)
  • Remain the same (Within±10%)
  • Decrease Slightly (-30~-10%)
  • Decrease Substantially (<-30%)
Long Term (6 Months) Investor Expectations

Most of the surveyed investors were bullish toward the long term performance of the Cryptocurrency market. Compared to the previous month, 1.83% less investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to decrease significantly over the next three years. 75.65% investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to significantly increase over 30%, and 90.02% investors expected the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization to increase over the next three years.

Result by Geographic Locations

In general, Cryptocurrency investors overseas were more optimistic than Chinese investors in terms of Cryptocurrency market performance, with more Chinese investors expecting a decrease in total Cryptocurrency market capitalization. In the short-term, medium-term and long-term, more Cryptocurrency investors overseas expected the total market cap to increase slightly. In the medium and long term, more overseas investors expected the total capitalization to increase substantially. 52.8% of overseas investors expected the total market capitalization to increase slightly in the next month, while only 27.6% of Chinese investors expected the total market capitalization to increase slightly in the next month.

Short/Mid/Long Term Investor Expectations by Geographic Locations

Rule Explanation

Huobi Market Sentiment Index Report is released once a month and the result is a weighted calculation of all questionnaires collected at the end of the month. Within the range of 0–100, the higher the score, the more optimistic the cryptocurrency investors are in the future market. This report will also disclose the weighted calculation results of each of the three questions in the questionnaire, representing the short-, medium-, and long-term sentiment indices of cryptocurrency investors.

Weighting Rules

The calculated weighted score of each of the questions represents investors sentiments toward Cryptocurrency market’s short-term, medium-term, and long-term performance. There are 5 options for each question. The scores for the A, B, C, D, and E options are 100, 75, 50, 25, and 0, respectively.

The calculated weighted scores of the three questions represents the comprehensive investor’s sentiment index of the month. The questionnaire has a total of 3 questions, representing short, medium and long-term sentiment index, and the score weighs 45%, 35% and 20% respectively. The shorter the time frame, the higher the weight, leading to the comprehensive sentiment index.

Huobi Research

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Huobi Research of Blockchain Application (Huobi Research) was founded in April 2016 and started research and explorations in various aspects in blockchain area since March 2018. We cover blockchain technology research, industry analysis, application innovation and economic model explorations etc. We aim to establish a research platform and to offer theoretical foundations as well as judgements of trends in blockchain to the public, ultimately promoting the development of the entire industry.

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1. Huobi Research does not have any form of association with blockchain projects or other third-parties mentioned in this report that could jeopardize the objectivity, independence and fairness of this report.

2. All outside information, data referenced in this report is from compliant and legitimate sources that we deem as reliable, and Huobi Research have conducted the due diligence concerning its authenticity, accuracy and completeness, but such due diligence does not provide any guarantee.

3. This report is only for reference purposes. Conclusions and viewpoints in the report do not constitute any form of investment advice on crypto assets. Huobi Research is not responsible for any losses resulting from the use of this report, unless stipulated by law. Under no circumstances should the readers give up their own investment analysis and judgements.

4. This report only reflects the opinions from Huobi Research on the day it was finalized. Future market condition changes may lead to updates of such judgements.

5. The report is copyrighted by Huobi Research, please cite the source when quote, and get approval from us when large amount of contents is referenced. Under no circumstances is reference, abridgment and modification contrary to original intention permitted.

6.Currently, all surveys are distributed through the Internet with participants remain unidentified. As a result, although we try our best to expand the scope and reach of this survey, we cannot rule out selection bias during the surveying process. Thus, the result of this survey does not represent the view of all cryptocurrency investors.



HTX Research
HTX Research

Blockchain industry top think tank, affiliated to Huobi Group.